Chapter 6: Brook

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brief a/n: Wintersweet and Yarrow are OCs that belong to me. while only really mentioned through Heath being stupid, Holly was also made into a character here.



Brook scowled at the papers scattered across her desk. She was sitting in her office, still reading through the paperwork she had been neglecting to work on for days now. Most of the overdue papers were related to her duties as the commander of the Wingwatchers, but the other half was related to her new duties as lord of Valor. Which was something she didn't entirely mind, but she hated how it got in the way of her other job that she enjoyed more.

Well, maybe neglecting isn't the right word, She thought, tightening her grip on her pencil. Because last I checked, I didn't get a choice in being arrested for the stupidest reason.

Brook had just started on working on ideas to solve some of the issues brought up in their last Wingwatcher meeting - and then Heath called a mandatory meeting and arrested her shortly afterwards. She vividly remembered kicking and pulling the hair of several of Heath's men that day. I still can't believe he had the gall to do that publicly. I knew he disliked me, but...

But she knew there wasn't anything she could do about it now. It was all settled with, and Heath finally lost his power - she didn't particularly want to dwell on it, but her mind constantly drifted back to her frustration and rage that the whole issue happened in the first place.

"All these tunnel problems wouldn't even be things if he was never lord in the first place!" She groaned, digging her face into her palms. "By all moons, did he have to be that inefficient at problem solving?"

To Brook, it felt like most of her recent work as Valor's new lord was cleaning up Heath's mess. And she loathed every second of it. It was always a reminder that she shouldn't even be in the position she was currently in, and a position she didn't particularly want, either. Not that she minded it much, but she was perfectly content with remaining commander of the Wingwatchers. Being the lord of Valor complicated that.

Brook glanced back down at the papers, sighing as she picked her quill back up. Brook, you can rant about Heath's awful decisions later. You need to finish this now so Lark won't bother you about it AGAIN.

Lark had been helping Brook out with most of her tasks, which Brook did appreciate, but she still found it annoying when Lark had to remind her to finish certain things. Which was often. Brook had to wonder how much free time Lark had on her hands to do this consistently, but then again, Lark always happened to have spare time whenever it was work related.

Skimming through the paper for the fifth time, Brook let out another frustrated groan and chucked her quill at the wall. She also wanted to throw the papers, but Lark had organised them for her yesterday and Brook wasn't going to risk getting a paper cut. Instead she settled for slamming her arms against her desk, resting her head on top of them.

Ughhhh. Paperwork and cleaning this up isn't a good combination for my health.

"Uhh, mom? You okay?"

Brook lifted her head; Forest was standing right outside the entrance, a questioning look on his face. He took a brief glance at the pencil now laying on the ground before quickly looking away.

She slumped in her chair. "I despise this paperwork. I just want to go on an outside patrol or work on the tunnels instead!"

"Now you know how I feel about skygazing notes," He muttered, his gaze narrow.

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