Chapter 8: Leaf

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brief a/n: Pyrrhia's geography can be so confusing at times and the wiki was no help when writing this (had misleading information at the time i believe). this gets worked around later but please keep this in mind as i had to use the wiki for information since the book was unclear, and the wiki was very wrong when it said that Sky got captured at the Scorpion Den.

and another note - i did some slight edits to this one at the very end so Wren's next chapter makes a bit more sense.



Leaf still thought that leaving Ivy and Wren on their lonesome was an awful idea, especially Ivy - Wren could handle being on her own, but Leaf somehow doubted Ivy was capable of that. It had been lingering on his mind since they left, and had stayed there the entire time they had been gone. Wren would probably tell him that he's overreacting and worrying too much, but he couldn't help it.

I know Ivy said they'd be fine, but...I just really hope they do know what they're doing.

As he continued to get lost in his own thoughts, Sky's voice caught his attention.

"Leaf! Come here!"

What is it this time? He trudged over to where Sky stood, his hands in his trouser's pockets. Of course, it didn't take a genius to figure out - it was probably another snail. Leaf wasn't exactly sure what Sky found so alluring about snails and similar animals, but it was an interesting way to pass the time while waiting for Wren and Ivy, it turned out.

Leaf raised an eyebrow at the snail slowly inching its way across the small branch. Sky simply stared at it in awe, his smile wide. I still find it weird that a dragon can be just as fascinated with animals like humans can, He thought briefly, before shaking it away. I shouldn't think like that...especially when Wren is around.

He sighed inwardly. Glad I didn't let that one slip.

" just watch the snail?" He asked, hoping his tone didn't sound to judging.

Sky nodded. "Yep! Aren't they amazing?"

Leaf shrugged. "I suppose." He remained silent for a bit longer, his gaze still on the snail - it was now munching on one of the leaves on the edge of the branch. "Don't you ever get bored of just watching them, though?"

Shaking his head, Sky blinked slowly at the snail. "No. Don't you find it hard to get bored of doing something you love?"

"Well...yes. I guess you have a point," Leaf conceded. The only thing I guess I really "loved" doing was training to become a dragonslayer...but that's not my goal. Not any more.

Hmm. Perhaps I should expand my horizons a bit more.

Leaf continued to watch the snail, his arms folded - he still couldn't find what was so interesting about it, but it was relaxing, in a way. Aside from the fact that Ivy and Wren might get eaten while they're out scouting ahead, and-

His thoughts were cut off by the sound of footsteps and faint laughter - he turned around to see Ivy and Wren walking towards them, chatting merrily. Sky also seemed to notice, his ears immediately pricking up. Ivy rushed over to Leaf, a wide grin on her face.

"Leaf, guess what we found? A whole dragon city! Isn't that amazing?" She asked, her hands shivering with excitement.

He let out a small, wary chuckle. "That's great, Ivy."

Ivy nodded. "And Wren said we can go explore it if I don't go running off! Aren't you excited?"

Leaf gave her an awkward smile, unsure how to answer. Going inside of a dragon city for no good reason? No, Ivy, I am the exact opposite of excited. He wasn't going to say that out loud, though. Ivy looked genuinely pleased with herself at the moment, and he didn't want to bring down her mood. Wren seemed to pick up on it too - the stare she gave him spoke for itself.

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