Chapter 12: Ivy

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"Gah!" Leaf wiped off the water splashed in his face with his shoulder's sleeve - Ivy thought it was impractical, but she wasn't going to say that out loud. It's...not even that much water.

Leaf had insisted on fishing by hand, despite Ivy's protests that it'd probably be better if they tried to use a spear. He was confident that he didn't need to use anything else but his bare hands, and while Ivy had several doubts that it'd be efficient, she did find it vaguely amusing to watch.

Ivy let out a few laughs by accident. "Catch anything yet?"

He looked up at her and scowled - though he burst into a few chuckles upon seeing Ivy's face. "No."

"Do you want any help?" She asked once she managed to stop laughing.

Leaf shook his head, glancing back at the pool. "Nah, I don't think I need it. And I don't think you know how to fish, if I'm being honest."

Huffing, Ivy crossed her arms. "You aren't wrong, but I could be a great help if you taught me!"

His gaze went wide for a few moments. "Is that...something you want me to teach you? Because I mean, if you want me to, I can."

"Sure! It'd probably be a big help since we're probably going to find more sources of water like this." And I really don't want to be a dead weight...I want to be useful, too.

After a brief moment of silence, Leaf nodded. "Alright, I can do that. Just...not here. It isn't exactly ideal to teach you how to fish in an oasis." That makes sense, I guess. I wish he'd just teach me now, though...

Ivy leaned back, her hands scratching against the coarse sand. "Alright. But I'm half-convinced that you're just saying that because you don't want my help," She joked.

Leaf smirked, nudging her shoulder. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

Slightly off balance, she shoved Leaf back, laughing. Leaf yelped as he fell forwards, tumbling into the water. Ivy let out a barely audible gasp. Oh moons no, I just pushed him into the water, crap- He waded around in the water for a bit, catching his breath.

"Leaf, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

Shrugging, Leaf stretched a bit. "It's fine. This isn't that deep, anyways. I wouldn't drown that easily, if at all."

Ivy sighed. "Still though." She watched as he drifted around in the water for a bit. "So you know how to swim, too?"

He grinned. "Yep! This isn't really much compared to swimming against a river current, though. It's pretty relaxing, honestly."

He's probably just saying it casually, She reminded herself. But part of me keeps thinking that he's just saying it to impress me. It's stupid to think about, but... Ivy groaned inwardly. She hated when she thought like that. It was confusing to think about, especially since she hadn't given it any thought at all until Daffodil teased her about her relationship with Leaf - and Wren, for that matter, but Ivy tried her best to ignore those remarks from Wren and forget about them. Why did things have to get so confusing?

Leaf splashed some water onto her legs to get her attention. "Ivy? You alright?"

"Hmm? Oh," She mumbled, glancing back at him. "I was just...thinking."

"...Did you want to talk about it? If you want to, that is."

Ivy sat up, grimacing. "I guess so. We kind of need to talk about it, anyways."

Leaf frowned, exhaling deeply. "It's about our relationship, isn't it?"

Hesitantly, Ivy nodded. "Yeah." She tucked into her legs, resting her chin on her arms. "I've just been really confused. Ever since Daffodil teased me about you, I just...really didn't know what to think? I mean, I don't mind it but I never really thought much about romance, especially with the whole thing with my dad...and I never noticed anyone being interested in me, though I'm probably just...really oblivious to it."

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