Chapter 17: Rowan

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Rowan woke up to a gentle kiss on the cheek. She opened an eye to see Cranberry, who was smiling at her, albeit tired. Ignoring the heat rising in her cheeks, she lightly pecked Cranberry on the forehead.

Cranberry giggled softly. "Morning, Rowan."

Rowan simply smiled back. "Hey," She mumbled. "How early did you wake up today?"

Playing with her hair, Cranberry shrugged. "Dunno. Close enough to dawn, probably. Why do you ask?"

"I...was wondering if you wanted to go watch the sunrise, maybe?" Rowan confessed, her palms starting to sweat. "If you feel like it, I mean."

Cranberry nodded, yawning. "Of course! Why wouldn't I want to?"

Blushing, Rowan awkwardly looked away. "I just wasn't sure if you wanted to." Well, and you just woke up...

Grinning at her, Cranberry began to sit up. "Aw, it's okay. I'm glad you cared enough to ask."

"Ask about what...?" Rowan glanced at Grove, who was barely awake. He had only one eye half open, and he was still curled up against Rowan's arm. He has no right to be that adorable while sleeping.

Rowan rustled his hair. "I was asking Cranberry if she wanted to watch the sunrise. Did you also want to come with us?"

Cranberry shook his shoulder slightly, trying to wake him a bit more. "Yeah, it'll be fun!"

He was quiet for a moment, then yawned loudly. "Why so early...?"

"Tell that to the sun," Cranberry replied, huffing. She turned to Rowan. "This is so weird! Usually you're the one fussing when I wake you both up early."

Rowan glared at her. "I do not fuss. I just like getting sleep."

Rolling her eyes, Cranberry gently nudged Rowan's shoulder. "Sure you don't." She continued shaking Grove. "Come on, Grove. At least wake up a bit, we have to keep working on the shelters later."

Grove swatted Cranberry's hands away. "I know, I know." He sat up, raising an eyebrow. "I'm just going to fall back asleep though, are you sure?"

A shy smile spread on Cranberry's face. "I'm sure. Besides, I wanted to do know?"

The what? Rowan frowned; were they keeping something from her? I mean, I wouldn't blame them, but... She attempted to shrug it off. It's not like I've kept things from others. I don't really deserve-

No, I'm not going to think stuff like that. Or at least, try not to, for the time being.

Blinking steadily, Grove tilted his head. "That thing?"

She nodded. "Y-Yeah."

"You sure about doing it today?"

"Of course!" she snapped. Cranberry stumbled over Rowan a bit, heading out of the shelter. "Come on!"

Sighing, Grove scratched the back of his head. "Alright, no need to rush off!" He glanced back at Rowan, shrugging. "She's been looking forwards to this for a while now."

Rowan smiled weakly. "Well, she seems excited."

"Oh, she is," Grove replied, a weary yet charming grin on his face. Rowan felt warm upon seeing it - there was just something about his smile that made her feel more at ease. She wasn't entirely sure why, but she wanted to guess it just made her feel better when he seemed to be happy.

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