Chapter 24: Wren

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"I really wish we could've helped them more, though," Ivy sighed, crossing her arms. They had finally left the ruins near Valor, despite Ivy not particularly wanting to ever since Leaf had told them about Forest - not to mention, there was still no sign of the golden dragon.

Leaf gave her a sympathetic look. "I know, I do too. But you know we can't stay too long."

Ivy pouted slightly. "You don't have to remind me!" She cast another look over in Valor's direction. "I hope Forest's okay. I can't imagine how worried Commander Brook must be."

I hope he's alright too, if not for both of their sakes, then Brook's... Wren could probably imagine Brook's worry. She had been worried sick when Sky had been dragon-napped, so she could understand why Brook would get so anxious about it. Well, if we find him, we can take him back to Valor without much issue. I hope so, anyways...

"I get that," Wren spoke up, catching Ivy's attention. "But Leaf is right - we do need to leave soon. Make sure you have everything, alright?"

Ivy's shoulders slumped. "Alright." Is she just upset about Forest disappearing? Wren wanted to think so, but that probably wasn't it. It's weird that it's harder to tell what Ivy's upset about, but not what she's excited about. "Where are we headed, then? We couldn't find the golden dragon, and we couldn't find Forest, either..."

Oh. So she was still upset over the whole ordeal with the golden dragon. Of course she'd be, though...that's one of the main reasons she left Valor to travel with us. Wren couldn't help but feel bad - it was something that Ivy had constantly talked about, and seemed to excite her the most outside of her dragonspeak lessons with Wren. I can try talking to her about it later.

"Probably near the Indestructible City," Wren begrudgingly admitted. "We're going to need more supplies soon. I didn't get any the last time I went there, and it's not just me and Sky any more."

Tilting her head slightly, Ivy frowned at Wren. "Why that tone of voice?"

Wren was about to answer, but changed her mind upon seeing Ivy's somewhat uninterested expression. "I can explain on the way there, if you want."

Before Ivy could respond, Leaf spoke up first. "Wait, why can't we just get supplies in Valor? We're closer to it than, say, the Indestructible City."

"Probably because of the whole situation going on with Forest," Ivy answered, much to Wren's mild annoyance. I'm pretty sure he was asking me, Ivy. Wren wasn't going to deny that it was also a good reason, though. "It's been a few days by now, so I wouldn't be shocked if there were some people becoming overly concerned. I mean, it's no dragon, but..." she trailed off, looking away.

Wren let out a disgruntled huff. "That's probably a better reason than mine. But if you want to know, personally I just don't want to stick around this area for too long. And I really don't want to figure out trading in an entirely new place while something that serious is going on."

Leaf was quiet for a moment, then shrugged. "I suppose so."

I mean, we could probably try it, but...I wouldn't know where to go, who to go to, and it doesn't help that people are probably panicking by now. If they came by Valor again, then Wren would probably be more willing to make an attempt if there wasn't another sort of issue going on in Valor. I'd probably have to ask Ivy for help, either way...and even though I'm sure she'd help me, no questions asked... Wren looked over Ivy's annoyed and disappointed expression one more time. I don't think she really wants to spend more time here, either.

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