Chapter 28: Wren

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The stares she got from the nearby villagers were making Wren's skin crawl. She was next to Ivy, who had the strangest mixture of alertness and drowsiness on her face Wren had ever seen. Both of them were surrounded by the Indestructible City's guards - the ones who captured them were in the front, shouting orders at the townspeople to get out of the way.

Moons, she wished she could fight, kick, or scream at them enough so they'd leave her and Ivy alone. Then they could make a run for it, find Leaf and Sky, and get away from the city. But it was already too late - they were well within the confines of the city. If they attempted, they'd have to find a way back down the cliffside, let alone fighting their way through more soldiers. I can try later, when Ivy's more awake. Hopefully we can figure something out by then.

...And hopefully, Leaf and Sky know to stay away until then. She wasn't sure if either of them managed to get away, but...she would sooner expect her brother and companion to attempt to save Wren and Ivy as soon as they could, compared to waiting it out. Not that I could blame them, if they did. I would probably do the same thing. At that point, she could only hope they would hold off any rescue attempts until then.

Her racing thoughts were the only thing that kept her from acknowledging how much closer they were to the actual castle - the place where the Invincible Lord resided. Though it wasn't much of a castle compared to the desert dragon palace, she supposed it was something considering humans made it. It was the building that was the furthest built into the city walls, studded by various beams seeming to hold up the ceiling. A few unlit torches marked the proper path to the entrance, which Wren honestly thought was unnecessary - especially when she saw the amount of other torches meant to light up any nearby areas. Light is good and all, but I don't think this many is needed... Especially since a good portion of the city was technically still lit up by the sunlight. This isn't like Valor - they actually live underground all the time. These people don't. Is this just for the Invincible Lord to flaunt how safe and protected his city is, or...? After some moments, she decided that she didn't care enough for an answer.

As she kept walking with the guards and Ivy, Wren found herself occasionally peeking at the windows to the palace. Is Undauntable in there? ...Probably. It was something Undauntable never particularly shut up about during their meetings - how his father was the Invincible Lord. Maybe it was Undauntable's fault for this whole thing. All because he can't take no for an answer. It wouldn't exactly surprise her, per say, if that ended up being part of the reason she was captured.

In the back of her head, she felt something nagging at her that she was just looking to blame him now that she had been forced into the city. I know that the guards were talking about bringing me to the Invincible I know it'd be mostly for him. But maybe Undauntable helped. Honestly, it just made her feel a smidge better about the whole situation to think of it like that, even if she probably shouldn't let that get in the way.

But she also didn't want to think about Undauntable right now. She'd deal with him when it was closer that time. She instead opted to focus her attention on Ivy, who was struggling to keep up. The anxiety in her gaze was mostly overshadowed by the drowsiness. She kept fidgeting with the loose straps of fabric on her tunic, subtly inching away from the guard near her and closer to Wren with every step they took. She doesn't deserve to get caught up in this, she thought, feeling a prick of anger. The stupid Invincible Lord only cares about me. 'There might be some use for you', like hell they're hurting Ivy when I'm with her.

Ivy leaned into Wren's shoulder. "I don't like it here," she mumbled. Her breathing sounded short, and her back was slightly hunched.

I don't like it either, Ivy. Wren didn't respond verbally, however - that would just draw attention to them, likely attention that neither of them would enjoy. She just decided to give Ivy a curt nod, gently brushing her fingers against Ivy's hand. Ivy acknowledged the gesture with a slight, nervous smile, but quickly turned back towards the castle, wiping it off of her face. At least she knows I'm here for her.

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