Chapter 13: Rowan

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Night was starting to fall by the time Grove was almost finished with the shelter. Tadpole, Cranberry, and Mallow had been helping him on and off for most of the day - the others had brought more supplies when they had ran out, which was more often than Rowan would've liked to admit. Rowan was sitting by the fire Camellia had started (it was one of Camellia's few good ideas, according to Bluebell). She was cold, though the warmth of Bluebell and Thyme sitting next to her somewhat made up for that.

Bluebell groaned quietly. "It's going to take forever for us to finish all these shelters."

Thyme shrugged, albeit barely. "We'll finish them eventually."

"I'd rather have them take a while than rush them, anyways," Rowan added. "It'll be safer in the long run."

"I guess so, but...I also don't want to suffer in the rain," Bluebell muttered, digging her face further into her arms.

Sighing, Thyme nodded weakly. "I get that. Though it's not the worst thing that would happen to me, so I wouldn't mind."

Oh, Rowan thought once she realised what he meant. He's still upset about Mushroom. Rowan was more bitter over Mushroom's betrayal if anything, but she could tell Thyme was taking it the worst out of her, Cranberry, and Grove. She gently brushed his arm with her elbow - his gaze briefly flickered to her, something resembling a smile forming on his face. At least he knows I'm still here for him.

Camellia seemed to notice their silent exchange, but said nothing about it. Odd, considering this is Camellia. Rowan could tell she looked...semi-confused, at most. She does seem to be expressing something that isn't anger towards someone, though. I guess everyone has to start somewhere.

She crossed her arms upon realising Rowan was observing her. "Well, if it does end up raining, most of us will end up being sick. I don't know if any of you could tell, but I hate being sick. I'm never doing that again." Is she...trying to act like this because she dislikes me, or...? No, that can't be it. She's typically like this towards everyone except those she knows will probably hurt her if she acts like that.

Bluebell lifted her head just to roll her eyes at Camellia. "If it bugs you so much, then why don't you help out? It's not like there's anything stopping you."

"In case you didn't notice, I'm trying to keep this fire going!" Camellia snapped back.

"...Literally anyone can do that," Bluebell retorted with a shrug.

Camellia narrowed her eyes at her. "And anyone can help out with the shelter."

Rowan inhaled sharply. "Camellia, remind me how old you are?"

"She's twenty-one," Bluebell cut in before Camellia could get a word in. She glanced back at Camellia, then back at Rowan. "I feel like I should clarify that I mean twenty-one as in years old, and not twenty-one months old."

"Both of you can zip it!" Camellia hissed.

Before Bluebell could reply, Grove walked over to the fire, clearing his throat. Thank the moons for that...

"I'm finished with most of the shelter," He breathed, rubbing his forehead. "But right now I'm exhausted and need a break. Can one of you take over for a little bit, at the very least? I'd really appreciate it."

Thyme cast an irked glare at Camellia before turning to Grove. "I can take over."

Grove grimaced. "You sure? I don't mind if you want to, but...I don't want you overworking yourself."

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