Chapter 7: Wren

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"You're sure?" Wren asked, glancing behind her shoulders. They were simply walking through the mountain range, as Wren didn't want to push Sky further.

Sky nodded. "They looked exactly how you described them a while back. The porcupine armour and all."

Ivy, who was lightly dozing off on Sky's back, grimaced. "That sounds...very worrying. What does the Indestructible City want with us, anyways?"

Wren sighed. "I don't know, but whatever it is, I refuse to cooperate. Doubt it's anything good, mind you."

"On the bright side, we travel mainly by flight. So it'd probably take them a while before they catch up," Leaf chimed in. He was walking alongside Wren, his body somewhat tense. "I'm trying to be optimistic about this, though."

"I guess, but...I don't like it." Ivy closed her eyes as she laid back down. "It reminds me too much of the Wingwatcher arrests."

Well, I hope you get sleep this time around, Wren wanted to say, but she wasn't entirely sure if it was the best to bring that back up again. She didn't particularly want to ruminate on it longer than she had to, and she was pretty sure Ivy was still upset with her for earlier. Instead she let out another sigh, not commenting on it.

Sky frowned. "You aren't wrong, but I don't fly all day. My wings would be pretty sore by afternoon if I did that, I think."

Leaf shrugged. "I'm just saying that I think it'll take the soldiers awhile to catch up know. You can fly and they can't."

"I suppose so," Sky replied. Wren gently patted his shoulder, or at least, reached for it.

"Don't worry Sky, you can fly as long as you feel comfortable doing it. I don't want you to feel forced to do it." Sky smiled back at her in response. She turned to Leaf, smirking at him. "And we'll try to keep you in mind while flying, Leaf."

Leaf didn't say anything, but he rolled his eyes at her in amusement. Wren laughed to herself. I missed teasing Leaf like this.

"Wren?" Ivy's voice took Wren by surprise. She looked at Ivy, raising an eyebrow. "Do you think we'll make any stops on the way to the old village?"

Wren shrugged. "Well, there is that huge river past the mountains that I've wanted to check out for a while now. I vaguely remember seeing some mountain dragons and desert dragons in that area, but that was a while ago."

Ivy immediately perked up. "There might be dragons living over there? Can we go see? Please?"

Leaf's expression was something of a frown. "Ivy, are you sure that's a safe idea?"

"I'm sure it's perfectly safe as long as it's not just me going to check!" Ivy argued, pouting. Begrudgingly, she added, "But if it makes you feel any better, I'll keep my distance."

"So you promise to avoid riding the first dragon you see?" Leaf prompted, raising an eyebrow. Ivy snorted, nodding as she laughed.

Wren joined in her laughter. "Sure, we can go see when we get there."

Ivy giggled, her smile bright. "Thanks, Wren."


They had been nearing the river by now, and Ivy had gotten off of Sky's back solely due to her practically vibrating with excitement. She was walking by Wren's side, talking Wren's ears off about her speculations and dragons. Wren honestly didn't mind it, and had even added her own thoughts when Ivy took a breath in between her rambling - it helped pass the time, and it was refreshing to talk with someone who also loved dragons.

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