Chapter 27: Brook

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"-And that's why I'm hoping to bring Daffodil and Violet with me," Brook finished.

Brook was in her office, with both of Violet's dads and Daffodil's mother sitting across from her. She had been anxious over going into full details, but she had to get it over with at some point. I couldn't just let them come with me without letting them know, or anything like that. They'd be worried regardless, but they'd be even more worried if I didn't talk to them first.

Hummingbird, one of Violet's dads, spoke up first. "I understand why you're taking them with, but...are you certain they'll be alright?"

She nodded. "I'm certain. I'll be taking two other experienced Wingwatchers with me, as well as another former Wingwatcher. I can assure you that their safety will be one of our top priorities, speaking as your lord and one parent to another."

Hummingbird seemed somewhat satisfied with that answer, but Brook could tell he was still nervous about letting Violet leave Valor. Not that I can blame him. I don't think I could handle Forest leaving Valor for a bit - I know I can barely handle what's going on now... His husband, Birch, took his hand and gave him a slight nod. Birch glanced back at Brook, grimacing.

"I get that, but...Violet and Daffodil both are only fourteen. And Violet, well..." He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, scratching the back of his neck. "You've seen how the Wingwatcher arrests have affected her, surely? I'm just not sure if it's the best to send her off while she's still dealing with the aftermath."

Of all the questions, Brook was surprised it hadn't come up sooner. She was, of course, aware that most members of the Wingwatchers were dealing with the aftereffects in their own way - she knew that both Foxglove and Holly tried to stay out of their cave just because that's where they got arrested. Squirrel was more protective of both of his younger brothers since (it was likely amplified once Squirrel found out about his parents' death). Brook herself was still struggling to enjoy her duties as lord, and was putting off addressing all of Valor - she couldn't shake off the clear memories of that announcement Heath made, then struggling to fight back against his guards. She could only imagine how much worse it was on the younger recruits.

Brook gave him an understanding nod. "I'm aware. I could check up on her occasionally should she decide to come with, but in the end, I feel that's something for the three of you to discuss."

"Brook, with all due respect, I'm not very sold on the idea of bringing Daffodil, either." It was Petunia, Daffodil's mother and in addition, Petal's younger sister. Brook had never particularly been fond of Petunia, and was dead certain that Petunia didn't like her either, but she was able to tolerate her. Mainly for Petal's sake, but... "You know how she is. Are you sure you want to take her with?"

Brook slowly raised an eyebrow at her. "Yes, I'm aware that Daffodil's capable of being on the surface for more than one day. And I also know that she's capable of following my orders." Most of the time - according to Foxglove, anyways...

Petunia frowned. "Does she, though? Last I heard, she was trying to sneak out of Valor."

Shrugging, Brook didn't let her expression shift. "That was at least a week ago, and she hasn't tried since. She and Violet both informed me of the situation going on in the first place - so I feel Daffodil has at least some right to go."

"I know that," Petunia replied snippily. Aaaand there's the snark. "But doesn't that mean there's a chance that whatever situation is going on could hurt my daughter? She'd definitely get herself hurt!"

Birch gave Petunia an odd stare, then nodded slowly. "I wouldn't say it like that, but...I share some of Petunia's sentiments about this. I know that you wouldn't let any harm come to Violet or Daffodil, but whatever this situation is...well, it isn't making me feel any better about letting them go."

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