Chapter 18: Brook

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Azalea had already jumped down from the ledge before Brook could say anything. Not that Brook really felt like she could - she was still in disbelief, despite what she was seeing. Aster, who she thought was still waiting for a chance to get into the Indestructible City if not dead, was standing in front of her. I...I can't believe it. Disregarding Aster's more disheveled appearance, she seemed mostly alright.

Aster gave Azalea a slightly shocked smile. "You're still alive."

"Of course I am," Azalea shot back, her voice laced with worry and relief at the same time. "I was more worried about you. I mean, going off to the Indestructible City on your own like that? That was practically a death wish, you idiot!"

Chuckling lightly, Aster nodded. "True. But I'm here now, aren't I?"

Scoffing quietly, Azalea let out a heavy sigh. "If it weren't for the fact that I'm happy you didn't end up dead and that we're out on the surface, I'd absolutely chew you out right now."

Brook wanted to say something, but remained put on the wall. Azalea wouldn't appreciate it much, she thought. And the others should know, anyways. She glanced behind her back to see Foxglove standing as close as she could to the base of the rubble, Yarrow nearby her.

Foxglove raised an eyebrow. "Something happened?"

"I..." How exactly do I word it? 'Remember Aster? Yeah, she's alive, apparently' doesn't seem appropriate right now. Brook instead gave her a slow nod. Foxglove seemed to get the hint, making her way up the pile.

Once Foxglove reached Brook, she let out an almost inaudible gasp. "She's alive?"

Aster seemed to notice Foxglove, glancing up at them. "Commander? Foxglove? You guys too?"

Brook carefully made her way down, grunting - Foxglove did the same, albeit almost tripping over her own feet. Aster ran up to them, much to Azalea's annoyance. Brook tried to ignore it, keeping her gaze on Aster. Foxglove stood next to Brook, brushing off the small bits of rubble on her uniform.

Foxglove had a sad smile on her face. "I thought you died, after what Pine and Azalea told me. I never thought..."

"Heh, I guess that makes sense. Especially know who," Aster laughed awkwardly. "But I didn't think that some of the banished would still be alive. Or that you'd still be with the Wingwatchers!"

Azalea scowled lightly. "Of course she's still a Wingwatcher! It's not like we suddenly stopped working on that plan once you left."

Her cheeks flushing slightly, Aster let out one last chuckle, albeit sounding somewhat forced. "Yeah, I suppose so."

Is something up with her? Even when she laughs when something makes her uncomfortable, it doesn't sound that forced... Brook didn't have much time to question her about it, however. I can ask her later, if she decides to come back with us.

Brook cleared her throat. "I'm glad to be catching up with you, Aster, but I really don't think now is the best time."

With a nonchalant shrug, Aster nodded. "Sure. I mean, it only makes sense to head back instead."

Not waiting for a response, she began making her way back up the wall. She's just as impatient as she was before her banishment. I'm glad to see that not everything has changed, but... Brook glanced at Foxglove, who just sighed quietly as she shook her head. Azalea only cast Brook an annoyed glare as she followed Aster. Really, Azalea? Is it really the time for that?

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