Chapter 21: Tadpole

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Tadpole groaned quietly to himself as he followed Bluebell. It was evening, and already they had been tasked to do something for the group. Not that I'm complaining. Some dragons are hopefully asleep as of now, and it's not like Cranberry would purposefully endanger us.

...Or at least, endanger Bluebell.

Despite trying to reassure himself that Cranberry wouldn't do that to him, he struggled to believe it. He was a former dragonmancer apprentice, wasn't he? He could always be lying to the group about his intentions, and have ulterior motives. He could hurt people again like he did to Grove. Or as Camellia put it, he could be a spy for them. Why wouldn't Cranberry take up the opportunity to get rid of him?

Probably because Bluebell's the only one who really talks to me, and Rowan would lose it if Bluebell got hurt... Which was something Tadpole also didn't get that much. Sure, he was around her age, but what made him worth spending time with? He held in a deep exhale, adjusting his grasp on the two blueberries in his hands. He didn't want to answer that question.

Bluebell let out a long, exasperated sigh. "Can you believe they sent us out to go berry picking this late? It's ridiculous! I don't see why I can't just go to sleep while Camellia does it instead."

"Why Camellia specifically?" Tadpole asked, though he was pretty sure he already knew the answer. 'Because Camellia is just the worst!' was often the reply he got.

She scowled. "Because whenever the six of us used to go berry picking together, Camellia always had a hoard of blueberries that she never shared with the rest of us! So clearly she knows where to get the best ones."

Tadpole was mildly surprised by the different answer, but not by much. If she isn't complaining about how Camellia is the worst, it's about something that Camellia did that she hates. He didn't mind it much, though. It was better than forcing himself to make small talk with Bluebell.

He hummed quietly in response. "Maybe we should've asked if she could come with us."

Bluebell snorted and rose an eyebrow at him. "Nah, she'd just complain the whole way." But...isn't that what you're doing right now? He kept his mouth shut and let Bluebell continue speaking. "Besides, she hates your guts. I know you don't like it, so it's better if we stay away from her."

I've never even told you about that! Tadpole didn't bother arguing with her. He didn't particularly like getting in conflicts, and even if Bluebell wasn't anything like the dragonmancers, he didn't like feeling terrified about whether Bluebell would still want to talk to him the next day, or would pick on him on purpose. Well, I think she's not like the dragonmancers, so hopefully not.

"I know, I know. But this would probably be easier with one other person."

Bluebell was about to argue, but shrugged, nodding. "I guess you're right. But just...maybe not Camellia for both of our sakes." Her gaze was now on the blueberries in Tadpole's arms. "How many of those do you think Cranberry wants us to bring back? She didn't specify."

Seriously? Can't you at least notice that carrying two blueberries is tiring for me? He did not feel like arguing with Bluebell on that either, so he wasn't going to bring it up.

He hummed quietly. "Probably more than this, but she doesn't expect us to be able to carry a whole bunch at once. I'm barely able to carry two."

She let out a relieved sigh. "Well, hopefully she's okay with two or three. I want to go to bed already."

Did...did she not hear what I-? Tadpole decided to not call her out and keep following behind her. He'd get used to it at some point, so even if it was irritating now, he'd get used to it later. Like with the goat milking, the candle waxing, the alarm bell, and the gardening...I actually liked the gardening, though.

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