The Normal Dr. Anderson

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Ok, so idk how many of you are actually still interested in this story, and that's ok! But I am going to continue it! I love and miss writing, but life has really gotten in the way this past year. I'm sure it has been hard for many of you as it has for me and I just want to say you're never alone. I am truly sorry for taking almost a year to update- and I make no promises- but I am going to try my best to finish this story, so without further drowning on from me, the next chapter ;P.

If you had told me two months ago I would be standing in front of a trusted colleagues office door feeling like I was going to puke, unable to tell from pregnancy or nerves, I would have laughed in your face.

I take a deep breath, continuing to stare at Dr. Fanning's door. I told Colton I would text her the night of the day I went home sick, but I convinced him I was better off doing it in person, which has allowed me to put it off until this very gloomy Friday afternoon, much to his dismay.

Just as I lift my knuckles to the door, Dr. Fanning whips the door open, jumping back as she sees me.

"Faye!!" she says taking a deep breath, "You scared the ever-loving shit out of me!"

I laugh as she steps back into her office letting come in as she shuts the door behind me. I take a seat in one of her gray leather chairs as she walks around to her desk, looking at me with questioning eyes.

"Something is up with you Faye, this is not the normal Dr. Anderson sitting in front of me."

I roll my eyes before grabbing one of the mints of her desk and popping it into my mouth.

"You know Liz, I'm a little afraid to find out what you mean by that." I say, staring at her with raised eyebrows.

She rolls her eyes right back at me. "First of all, you are NEVER sick, and you never take off work that isn't prescheduled. Second, you look like shit." She says, laughing afterwards.

I snort at her response as her eyes gleam with mischief. "What? Doctor's aren't allowed to get sick?"

"Not you Dr. Anderson, I'm pretty sure you immune system is made up of tiny soldiers."

I smirk, "If you think that I'm pretty sure I should take away your medical license Liz, anyways if you're done making fun of me, there is an actual reason I'm here."

"What's the patients name, do you have their MRN?" She asks, turning to her desktop and opening up our medical records system.

"Actually its personal, well kind of work."

She slowly turns to look at me and I can feel the nausea building, this time I know from nerves.

"What, are you pregnant?" She chuckles and shakes her head in a sarcastic voice.

I grimace as she turns to look at me and her jaw drops so hard I think she's going to dislocate it.

"Wha... How... Who?!" She finally says, processing the bomb I just dropped on her.

"A guy I've been seeing for a while now, he's really sweet, and is actually forcing me to do this right now, he's worried."

Liz's eyes scan over me, like she's looking for some kind of hint that this is one big prank, but I give nothing away as my straight face stares back at her.

"Holy fucking shit Faye you bitch I can't believe you got pregnant before me!" She says standing, pulling me into a hug over her desk. I relax as she pulls me in, thankful for her friendship. Taylor is gonna be so pissed I told Liz before her.

Liz's joke about me being pregnant first doesn't fall lightly on my ears. Her and her husband have been trying for a year now and I can't help but feel bad that I got pregnant so easily.

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