Blinding Sorrow

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Hey y'all! Sorry for the month delay, I moved and it has been hectic. Anyways, as always hope you enjoy! Also comment boy baby names if you have any requests ;).


Just a few days ago being in a dark room would have brought me relaxation, and sleep almost instantly. Now, dark rooms are where my thoughts are allowed to fester, and replay every single scene of that horrid day in my head.

I continue to let a waterfall of tears run down my face as I shift in bed on my right side, trying not to scream out in pain. This late in pregnancy it felt like it was impossible to breathe laying on my back, and since there were cracked ribs on my left side, the right side was my only option. I took deep breaths, willing the urge to sob to subside. The last thing I needed was to give Colton another reason to worry. 

I was discharged from the hospital three days ago after giving my initial statement to the police, and spending another night for observation. Luckily the change in pain management improved my vitals, and all the markers for pre eclampsia came back negative.

Colton took me home to our new house, and walking inside almost took my breath away, and not just from the broken ribs. His mom, dad, Cally, Alex, Andy, and my brother Roman had all worked to unpack the house and make sure it was ready for when I came home. Everything was gorgeous, and I fell in love with every decoration and piece of furniture they had chosen. 

Since arriving home those three days ago I had barely left the bedroom. Being curled up in a cool dark room helped with the symptoms of my concussion, and also helped me hide the constant flow of tears and cries of pain from Colton, for the most part.

Every move the baby made sent jolts of pain so strong it made me want to throw up. The pain medicine they sent home with me did a good job of taking the edge off the overall pain, but there wasn't really anything that could be done for fetus feet and fists pain.

It didn't really matter that the pain kept me from sleeping, seeing as every time I slept I relived that day with Michael all over again. Although in my dreams, sometimes Michael killed Colton, even though he wasn't there.

I could tell Colton was extremely worried, and I tried to assure him I was going to be okay, but it was hard to convince him when I didn't even know if I believed it myself. I could faintly hear him talking to Liz this morning about me, but I couldn't make out what was said.

I'm 30 weeks today, and set to have weekly checkups for the rest of my pregnancy starting today. Colton made arrangements for Liz to come to the house, and have access to everything she needs because the thought of leaving the house right now sends me into a spiral. 

Two detectives are also supposed to come by the house today for my final statement to close out the case. Even though Michael is dead, they still have to close it. Colton tried to see if I could get out of it, but there was no way around it, especially since this case became so high profile. Who knew holding a bunch of doctors and a medical student hostage would be national news.

Knowing Liz would be here soon, I took a deep breath before fully rolling onto my right side and out of bed. I stayed hunched for a few moments after standing, attempting to catch my breath before moving to the bathroom. Colton was probably going to have my head for showering by myself, but I needed to manage this myself, and I felt ten times better today than I had yesterday.

When I reached the bathroom, I delayed turning on the water knowing that it would alert Colton, and instead strip out of my clothes and stare at myself in the mirror. The swelling in my face had gone down considerably, but it still looked as though someone threw black, blue, and purple paint on my face. The gash on my head didn't look as angry either. Moving my eyes down my body, I tried not to cringe at the bruises covering my ribs. Miraculously, the bruises didn't touch where our baby boy sat. I would do it all over again, giving Michael my ribs and backs as targets, just to protect him. Turning around, my back was more of the same story, but I could actually make out the outline of Michael's shoe in one of the bruises. Sighing, I pulled my curly blonde mange free from the knot on top of my head, and started the water. I made sure I left the door unlocked before hopping in, thankful the water had heated up quickly.

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