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Hey everyone! I just finished finals yesterday, sorry for the break in updates but I'm hoping to finish this book over break!! I'm also putting a TRIGGER WARNING on this chapter for domestic violence and mentions of sexual assault. Hope y'all enjoy!


I need a scribe. I think to myself as I continue to fill out case notes from this morning's C-section. It would save me so much time, and there's always a plethora of college students to pick from, trying to beef up their applications for medical school. I SO don't miss those days. I physically shiver at the thought of taking the MCAT again before being startled out of my thoughts by the pager on my desk.

I sigh, picking up the wretched and old device before dialing the number that flashes on the screen of the pager.

Usually my residents carry the pagers, but Andy, my senior resident, had a family emergency. Considering that girl hasn't missed a single day of work since she started here, I had no problem carrying around the evil device for the day.

The phone only rings once before it's picked up.

"This is Nurse Amanda in the ED, how can I help you?"

"Hi Amanda! This is Dr. Anderson. I'm returning a page for a possible emergency consult?" I say, hopeful that the situation isn't grim.

Since finding out I was pregnant, things that I used to compartmentalize have found a way of taking over my mind. I haven't had a panic attack since my first ultrasound, but my anxiety has definitely increased ten-fold, to the point where I definitely should be considering some medications just to keep my heart from racing.

"Ah, yes, Dr. Anderson. It's not an OB/GYN consult but we were told you had the pager today. Your resident Andy Petersen was admitted to the ER and is refusing to speak with anyone until she sees you." The nurse finishes, and I can hear the apprehension and pity in her voice.

I shoot back from my desk, grabbing my jacket before I rush out of my office and towards the elevators.

"Can you tell me what happened? Do you know why she won't talk to anyone?" I ask, a pit forming in my stomach.

"I think it's better if you come down and discuss this in person Dr. Anderson, I don't want to say anything Dr. Petersen doesn't want me to."

"How bad is it? Is she stable?" I ask, jamming the buttons on the elevator, hoping it will miraculously make it move faster.

"She's stable, I honestly think she just needs some support before we treat her."

I swallow as a bit of relief passes through me. "Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Alright Dr. Anderson, she's in room 7."

I thank her before hanging up, and try to calm my shaking hands as I reach the first floor of the hospital. I don't bother saying sorry to the people I rush past, the only thing on my mind is getting to Andy, and wondering why the hell they were calling me and not family or her husband.

Andy had gotten married between undergrad and her first year of medical school. I have met her husband twice at random events but I know he puts in a lot of hours at some corporate job.

Other than that, Andy and I were close at work but neither of us know much about each other's personal lives. She was a second year resident when I became an attending here. When I started there wasn't a lot of respect because of my age. My brother always said "Faye Anderson never does anything half ass." and he was right. I was a full blown attending at the age of 27. Andy was the only resident in the beginning who bothered respecting and trusting me fully, and I will always be in debt to her for that.

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