The Blame

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the love and support on the last part! We got some good news about my moms health, so thank you everyone for your thoughts and well wishes <3. Hope you enjoy this next part!


I woke up to low voices in the hospital room, and tried not to cry as I shifted my body against Colton. I thought I knew pain before this, I was very, very, wrong. I cracked open my eyes to find a weathered Colton and I couldn't help but think if he looks like that then I must look like an absolute train wreck.

His under eyes were dark, his hair messy, and his face stubbled, but he was still gorgeous.

"Can you help me sit up?" I ask Colton, who is busy scanning every inch of my bruised and battered face.

He swallows and nods, hooking underneath my right arm to help me shimmy up in bed. I take a few slow breaths trying to fight the nausea and pain barely moving caused me. It finally occurs to me Colton had been talking to someone when I woke up and I raise my head to see Dr. Fanning and a man I didn't recognize.

I choke out a sob when I see Liz, and have to grab my sides from the pain the movement causes me. She rushes over to my bed side before gently hugging me and grabbing my hand.

"You need some pain meds, I'll call for the nurse." Colton says, not giving me room to argue before pushing the call light.

I simply nod at him before looking back to Liz.

"You got my text." I say, grimacing at my poor attempt at humor.

"No shit I got your text" She says, her voice breaking.

I swallow back tears as she continues. "They train us for those types of scenarios but nothing will ever compare to that fear I felt when you sent me that message, knowing I had to evacuate and leave you behind."

I nodded, grabbing her hands into mine. "You acted quickly Liz, you probably saved my life, and the lives of the other people in that room."

She nods taking a deep breath. As she does, the nurse enters with a cup of what I hope are pain and nausea medication.

"Dr. Anderson I'm glad to see you awake!" She says with a smile. "I'm Courtney and I'll be your nurse for the rest of this night shift."

As she said that my eyes shift to the windows, and sure as shit its dark outside. I felt crazy, like my perception had somehow been left in that physician's lounge with Michael's body.

I simply nod and smile back at her, and gratefully take the medication, which is indeed nausea and pain medication.

The nurse leaves just as quickly as she arrived, and I pull my attention back to Liz.

"How are Jay and Marissa? They got hurt because of me." I say, my voice breaking.

Colton grabs my hand and squeezes while Liz shakes her head. 

"You and Andy sound the same right now, and it not either of your faults. That man was deranged and the scum of the Earth. He is the only person with fault here." Liz says.

I nod my stomach dropping at the thought that Andy thinks this is her fault. I suppose Liz is right. There is nothing either of us could have done to stop this, and neither of us deserve to take on that guilt.

"How are they?" I reiterate.

"Jay is doing well, he got out of surgery two hours ago and they moved him to the floor. His wife, Jasmine, is with him. He's going to make a full recovery after some physical therapy." Liz looks at me for a few seconds before she continues. "Marissa isn't out of the woods yet. She has a minor brain bleed they're watching from where her temple connected with that table. She'll be here a few days."

I let the tears freely fall as I nod, praying for what feels like the millionth time today and asking for the people I care about, and the people who protected me.

Colton brushes hair out of my face, drawing my attention away from Liz and to him. 

"You can't blame yourself for this Faye. None of us can. He was a sick man and he got what he deserved."

I nodded, trying not to dry heave as the images of Michael getting shot replay in my head. I snuggle deeper into Colton's side before my eyes are drawn to the stranger in the room.

"Who is he?" I ask Colton.

"This is Sam, my head security advisor. I have him running security for you here while you're in the hospital and revamping the security in the new house."

I swallow, taking in the appearance of the man. He looks nice enough, but one look tells me he could be deadly if needed. 

"Colton, Michael is dead why do I need this much security?" I say slowly, confused at the level of security we've gone too.

"Michael is dead, but it is currently a media circus outside, and there's headlines running everywhere that my fiancé was involved in the shooting at Simmon's hospital. I don't want them getting anywhere near you." Colton states, and I see Sam nod along to what he's saying in the background. 

My mouth gapes, and I'm sure I look like a fish out of water.

"I'm not important enough to be newsworthy, and why are they running fiancé?" I ask, confused on where they got the information Colton and I are engaged.

"They're quoting some source 'close to the family' but my guess is they're just making it up." Sam says, stepping forward.

"I told the paramedic in the ambulance you were my fiancé so there was no problem in getting you to me, but he wouldn't have told anyone, its against the law, and he was really kind." I say to the room.

Colton and Sam share a look and I know that means Sam is going to check the paramedic and I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

Sam leaves the room after his silent conversation with Colton is over and Liz sits there looking confused. 

"You're newsworthy because I'm newsworthy, especially since it leaked that my company is acquiring another large tech company. People are wondering how my personal life is going to affect that sale." Colton tries to clarify, but all it does and make Liz and I more confused. 

"This is strange." I finally admit. 

Liz laughs and nods in agreement. 

"Alrighty love birds, I'm going home to my stressed out husband, let me know if you need anything Faye." Liz says, pulling me into a hug.

Colton and I both thank her, and we're soon left to our own silence. I know Colton has questions, but I know I can't talk about it right now, its too fresh of a wound to rip open. 

"When is a good time for the police to ask you a few questions?" Colton asks, studying me, and I can't help but think he's waiting for me to break, to totally melt down. 

"I want to see Andy and Roman first. I want them to know I'm okay." I say, feeling my eyes heavy with sleep again from the pain medication. 

Colton nods and kisses my forehead. "Get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up."

I swallow back tears and place a kiss to the back of his hand before I let sleep consume me, again. 

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