Bad Friend

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Hey y'all! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I raced against my laptop battery writing it because I'm too lazy to grab my charger on the other side of the room. Have a great Thanksgiving!


When I wake later in the evening, I'm unsure of whether I accidentally slept til Saturday until I glance at the clock on my bedside table.

"8:00pm, could be worse." I mumble to myself, reaching over to grab my phone off the nightstand.

I groan as I take a look at my lock screen. Six missed phone calls from Taylor and more text messages than I care to admit- I'm so dead. Scrolling through my other notifications I groan again, seeing another email from HR.

The meeting about the nurse I had bitched out was supposed to be yesterday but they rescheduled at the last minute which made me crazy. I finally had psyched myself up to go and they cancelled it 30 minutes before.

Dr. Anderson,

I hope this email finds you well, I apologize for the last minute cancellation of the meeting yesterday. I understand that we rescheduled for Monday afternoon, but I am happy to inform you that it will no longer be necessary. A few nurses on the floor came forward when they heard about what happened and informed us of Nurse Mallory's stretching of the truth in this situation. When confronted she changed her story, and I feel that is no longer in our best interest to meet. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great weekend.

Mollie Holt

HR Specialist

Simmons Hospital

I blew out a breath of relief knowing that I wouldn't have to sit there being interrogated about her lies and make a promise to find the nurses who stood up for me.

I slowly stand up from the bed, stretching my sore muscles and finally becoming aware that I'm only in a bra and underwear. I vaguely remember Colton carrying me inside and asking me if it's ok to take my scrubs off so I don't get "hospital ick" on my bed.

As I make my way into my closet I can hear Colton in what sounds like the living room on the phone. I don't know why, but I'm a bit shocked he's still here. He could change his name and move to Cuba and I would probably understand, especially after that panic attack today.

After changing into some joggers and a T-shirt I make my way out to the living room. Colton makes eye contact with me and gives me a small smile that makes my heart clench. How can one man be so beautiful?

"Alright mom I have to go, I'll call tomorrow, love you." He says, hanging up with who I know to be his mother.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, concern stretching across his face.

"Better, more rested than I felt this whole week. I also got notified that the incompetent nurse was caught in her lie and that I don't need to meet with HR, which is a huge weight off my shoulder." I say, making my way to sit on the couch next to him.

He instantly pulls me into his arms and I melt into his side.

"I know it's a bit late but what are you thinking for dinner?" He says, his hand lightly rubbing against my stomach.

I shrug and lean into him more. If it's one thing that I missed out on in my lack of relationships in the last year, it was touch. My love language is just being held, and I don't think Colton minds at all.

"I think I want fettuccine alfredo but I'm not sure."

He laughs and pulls out his phone for us to order because even though I had done some grocery shopping this week (as in Colton forcibly took me to the store), ingredients were still pretty sparse around here.

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