Holy Matrimony

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Hi everyone! Hope all is well this week- and if you're in the midwest like I am I hope you're surviving the heat wave- this shit is no joke. Enjoy the part!


I sigh, closing my eyes as the stylist Taylor hired does my hair.

"You should have prescribed that man some Xanax." Taylor says from the chair to my right, getting her makeup done. 

I giggle, cracking open an eye. "I'm pretty sure he needs a horse tranquilizer at this point." 

Taylor snorts, apologizing to her makeup artist for the movement.

"He'll be okay, he's just worried. This is the longest time we've been apart since I was attacked." I say, fidgeting with the hem of the robe Taylor got all her bridesmaids. 

Taylors face sobers.

"I'm sorry that was not cool of me, this is your day, nothing else negative I promise." I quickly add, my face heating, and my stomach dropping.

Taylor shoos her makeup artist back and jumps out of her chair, rushing over to hug me. 

"Don't you ever apologize to me about that. Ever. I am thankful everyday you're still here. You are my best friend, through the beautiful and the ugly. It's just a reminder of how lucky I am to have you." Taylor says, holding my hands. 

I quickly swipe my tears away, thankful I hadn't had my makeup done yet. Taylor dabs at the corners of her eyes with a tissue the makeup artist provided. 

Taylor sits back in her chair, her left hand still in my right. "Thank god we're using waterproof stuff."

The makeup artist laughs with us, continuing with Taylors makeup.

I relax back against the chair, trying to relax, and keep my mind off the nausea thats been consistent all day. At 34 weeks and some change I'm pretty sure my stomach has no more room, so everything I eat makes me a little nauseous. I had kept breakfast simple this morning, skipping all the treats Taylor's and her fiancé Carson's mom had brought into the suite. 

Instead, I had some ginger-ale and toast Colton brought from our suite. We had elected to stay at the resort just outside Austin that Taylor is having her wedding at. That way our commute is cut down, and I have a place to rest between the ceremony and the reception (Colton's concern, not mine).

As if I had somehow summoned him with my mind, my phone buzzes with a text from Colton. I sigh, quickly opening it. 

Colton: You feeling okay? Better than earlier?

Me: About the same- its not unbearable. I'm gonna drink some water and maybe another ginger-ale.

Colton: Do you want me to bring some crackers by?

Me: No, I'm just gonna stick with water. 

Colton: Have you eaten anything other than the piece of toast in the room this morning? 

Me: Nope- I'll eat something before the ceremony though, Taylor and Carson's moms brought breakfast and snack stuff. 

Colton: Please do, for me ;)

Me: Mhmm- love you.

Colton: Love you too.

I hold in the groan that tries to male its way out of my body. "His worrying is making me more nauseous."

Taylor's mom, whom I didn't hear approach, scoffs. 

"Faye, let that boy dote on you. Worrying is about the only thing he can control and contribute at this point." She says, rubbing my bump and placing a kiss on my forehead.

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