Something to Say

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After guiding Colton from the hospital, we arrive at my house, and I can't help but feel a major sense of deja vu. When I open the door Milton comes screaming his way into the entry way, but instead of going to me as he usually does, he goes straight to Colton, rubbing on his legs and purring. 

"That little traitor." I say under my breath, making my way to the kitchen. Colton chuckles and follows me into the kitchen with Milton trailing happily behind him. 

I waste no time in grabbing a water bottle from my fridge, and looking over what I have to eat. 

"Wow, you literally have nothing." Colton says from behind me, staring in disbelief.

"I think most of my meals have come from the hospital over the last two months," I say honestly. 

He nods before pulling out is phone, "So where would you like to order from?"

"Oh um, we can use my phone, that way you don't have to pay."

He waves his hand in response, "Don't worry, I've got it."

I reluctantly agree due to how hungry I am, but I make a mental note to pay him back for this and for the water and candy bar he bought me in the hospital.

"Honestly bagels sound amazing," I say, practically drooling over the thought of cream cheese. 

"Bagels it is!" He says laughing.

After we put our orders in and my address, we sit down on the couch. Milton immediately crawls in Colton's lap, leaving his orange fur all over him.

"I'm sorry about all the fur, he doesn't understand personal space," I say laughing, partially embarrassed.

"No worries, I love cats, and this little dude seems to really like me," He says chuckling.

I laugh at the site of the two of them and can't help but admire Colton. He's literally the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. His jet black curly hair and bright blue eyes are a combination to be reckoned with, and I just hope this baby inherits the both. The curly hair is almost a definite considering my blonde mange, but I would kill to have his eyes. 

I hear a throat clear, which brings me back to reality, and I can see Colton smirking at me. "Take a picture Faye, it will last longer," He says turning his smirk into a full blown smile.

I laugh sarcastically, "I was staring at my cat, not you."

He scoffs, looking back down at Milton as he begs for more attention. 

I stare at Colton for a few more seconds before I'm startled again, this time by the doorbell. 

"I got it!" I say jumping up, very excited about the two bagels I'm going to cram into my mouth.

I grab the bags from the delivery driver, thanking him before closing the door behind him and making my way over to the island in the kitchen. I dump the contents of the bag out, grabbing my two plain bagels with veggie cream cheese while Colton grabs his bagel.

We both sit at the bar stools unwrapping our bagels when a smell hits me that almost causes me to vomit on the spot.

"What is that smell!?" I half yell, unable to disguise my disgust.

Colton looks at me startled. "Uh, I got an egg sandwich bagel, but other than that I don't smell anything. 

I look down at the culprit, Colton's egg sandwich and my chest heaves when I get another whiff of the sandwich. Before Colton and I both know it, I'm sprinting to the bathroom attached to my bedroom, trying not to trip over Milton on my way. 

I don't even realized Colton has followed me until I feel someone rubbing circles on my back as I empty the very little contents of my stomach. When I'm sure I'm done I flush the toilet and sit back against the wall in my bathroom breathing heavily. 

"Faye do we need to take you to the hospital to see a doctor, something is obviously going on with you."

I try to smile, but I think it comes out as more of a grimace, "I am a doctor."

Colton doesn't look amused as he looks down at me, assessing what to say next.  He stands from his crouched position, mumbling something about getting me water. When he stands fully and turns, he freezes in place, and I watch the expression on his face drop.

I look at him confused as he turns back to me, his blue eyes sending an emotion I don't even know how to interpret. 

"Whats wrong?" I croak out, trying to rise from my place on the bathroom floor.

He puts his arm out to stop me and steps closer to my spot on the floor.

"Faye are you pregnant?"

My breath hitches in my chest as I look up to make eye contact with him, seeing his dead serious face. The question almost makes me want to be sick again as I switch between looking at his face and the floor.

"Why would you even ask that?" I ask softly, being guided by fear instead of common sense. He already obviously knows whats up.

He looks at me with disbelief for a moment before turning towards my bathroom trash and pulling out the four pregnancy tests I had taken the morning before. He raises his eyebrows, daring me to avoid the question again.

"You're pregnant." He says, as a statement this time.

I try and gulp down the giant rock in my throat as I feel tears form in my eyes. This is not how I wanted him to find out, but cats out of the bag now, except for maybe Milton. That bastard is always in random bags around the house. 

"Yeah, I'm pregnant." I say as my voice breaks.

Colton looks down at me for what feels like an eternity, both of us deciding what move to make next.

"It's your's." I say from my spot on the bathroom floor, tucking my knees up to my chest.

"I know." He says.

After what feels like another eternity, Colton reaches his hands out to pull me off of the floor and leads me to the couch in the living room. He leaves me for a second before returning with water and crackers I assume he dug out of the back of my pantry. 

He hands me them both before he sits down next to me, running his hand through his hair. 

"Were you even going to tell me?" He asks.

I turn towards him shocked, "Of course I was, why would you even ask that?" I say, a bit aggravated. 

"I'm sorry, I just, I don't even know."

I set down my water and my crackers on the coffee table and turn my body towards him. He looks into my eyes, almost as if he's searching my soul for something. Before I even realize what I'm doing I throw myself into him and let out the ugliest sobs I've ever heard in my entire life.

Colton seems shocked at first, before he starts rubbing my back and shushing me.

"It's going to be okay Faye, I promise it's going to be okay, I'm not going anywhere."

My sobbing continues before I'm finally able to get words out. "I don't understand. I'm so scared and I'm angry because I'm scared because I do this for a living. I deal with pregnant women for a living and I can't even handle myself." I say as my body wracks with more sobs.

Colton continues rubbing my back and I finally feel myself start to calm down. The exhaustion from the last two days weighs heavily on me, and I'm asleep before I can even think about stopping myself. 

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