You Never Called

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I couldn't  fucking believe it. Colton was sitting right in front of me, and after the day I've had, I thought I might pass out.

"Do you know each other dear?" The older woman asks, whom I'm assuming is his mother.

He simply nods and I quickly bring it upon myself to focus the conversation back on Callie.

"I assume you already heard news on Mr. King?" I ask, hopeful that Colton's parents won't ask us anymore questions.

They all nod quickly before I continue, informing me Alex was knocked out from pain medicine and being kept for observation.

"Okay, so I'm the OB/GYN assigned to Mrs. King's case, the rest of her doctors are finishing up and waking her up. The surgery went extremely well. They were able to fix her shattered wrist and broken leg, as well as get her a few stitches in her head where some trauma occurred. There was no brain trauma that we could find. The baby stayed stable the whole time, and his heartbeat never wavered once. I did an ultrasound once they were settled in the surgery and I didn't see anything to be concerned about. She's expected to make a full recovery, but it's going to be difficult, especially with the pregnancy."

They all stay silent for a few minutes, processing everything I just told them before Colton's mother jumps up and pulls me into a hug, thanking me over and over again.

I return her hug, suddenly having an overwhelming feeling of grief wash over me, wishing I could hug my mother like this again. She then pulls away, wiping her tears and turning to give her husband a hug. Colton and I make awkward eye contact, but neither of us try to initiate conversation.

I clear my throat as the husband and wife separate before speaking again.

"I'm going to head and check on Mrs. King one last time before I head home. I wasn't supposed to be on call but the OB/GYN for the night shift was already tied up in an emergency c-section. I will be Mrs. King's doctor for rounding starting again on Tuesday when I'm set to be at work again, but I'll leave you with my cell phone number in case you have any questions or anything comes up. I believe Dr. Meyer will be rounding while I'm gone, so you have nothing to worry about," I said pulling one of my business cards from my lab coat and writing my cell number on the back.

"They should be coming to get one of you to go sit with her in the recovery room within the next 30 minutes."

They all thanked me again, including Colton who seems to have snapped out of his daze of sleep and shock of seeing me. I wish them good night as I walk towards the elevator, starving and ready to sleep until work again Tuesday. As the elevator doors were closing a hand stuck it's way in between them, keeping them from closing all the way.

I sucked in a breath as Colton walking into the elevator, leaning on the wall opposite from me.

"I can't thank you enough for helping save my sister in law and nephew Faye, they me the world to my family, and me. I don't think my brother could have lived without them."

"To be honest I didn't save them," I replied. "I just monitored Callie and the baby and made sure there were no problems. The other doctors and specialists fixed her injuries," I said shrugging.

When the elevator dinged for the recovery room floor I made a move to get off, but before I could Colton stopped me.

"You never called," he said quietly.

I sighed before pulling him off the elevator and into the desolate hallway. "I know this is going to sound shitty but I really was going to call you. I've been non stop working, and have had very few days off for me to even get the opportunity of thinking of setting up a date. I had to start having my housekeeper come everyday just to keep my cat from starving,"

He chuckled before giving me a big smile. "And I thought I was a workaholic."

I scoffed, making my way towards the recovery room doors. I hate that word. It's the word every past boyfriend has used before ending things, and I find it very inaccurate. I could cut back on work if I wanted to, but there hasn't been a need to, well, until this whole baby situation. Just thinking about the baby in Colton's presence makes me want to vomit.

"Look, I have to go check on your sister in law and get some sleep, I promise we can talk until your heart's content, just on another day," I practically beg, the thought of carrying his baby and him not knowing now infesting my mind.

His eyes soften in what looks to be sympathy before surprising me and leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Get some sleep Faye, I'll text you tomorrow, since you gave my parents your phone number," he said smirking and walking back towards the elevator.

Too tired to even fight him, I simply pass my badge over the sensor and make my way into the recovery room. There's only a few patients in recovery, compared to what the usual day rush looks like. I spot the nurse and anesthesiologist from the operating room before I see Callie's still and pale form.

"Dr. Anderson, we had no problems bringing her off the anesthetic and waking her up a bit before moving her in here, the fetal heart rate is still strong."

I simply nod, checking over her vitals, the baby's vitals, and the rest of the chart. I was so engrossed in doing this I don't even realize the pair from the operating room has left. I sigh before putting down her chart and scanning over her form, looking at her in a new light. This woman is to be my baby's aunt, and her baby will be my baby's cousin. The thought of what could have happened to them both tonight shakes me to my core, bringing tears to my eyes.

I quickly wipe the tears away as a recovery room nurse makes her way over to the both of us. I  wish her a goodnight before making my way out to the parking garage, and then to the nearest fast food joint. When I finally make it home and finish eating I practically collapse into bed, feeling the weight of today's events finally crashing down. My last thought before falling asleep is wondering how in the hell I'm going to tell Colton about this baby.

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon