The Gift of Life

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Hey y'all! Hope your week is going fantastic- here's the next part! Super long one for ya btw :).


I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth as the doorbell rings, trying to calm my pounding heart. Liz had come and gone, assuring me everything looked perfect with the baby. She brought everything she had needed with her, and I thanked her profusely for not making me come into the clinic, at least not yet. We agreed that a week from today I needed to go in for an ultrasound to make sure baby was doing well. Our baby boy.

The detectives arrival made my stomach clench, and I tried harder to calm myself as my boy rolled in my stomach, seemingly sensing my discomfort. I still felt wonder at knowing we were having a boy. Colton had thrown a couple names out but I've felt like a zombie since getting out of the hospital, so I hadn't really thought about them, or remembered them to be honest. Maybe that meant they weren't the right fit. 

Colton moved toward the door to let the detectives in, and shot me a reassuring smile before opening it. I curled my feet under me, pulling a blanket into my lap to fight the chills I had, unsure if they were from nerves or the temperature of the house.

"Mr. King, good to see you again, I wish the circumstances were different." Colton nodded in agreement, greeting the three officers as they walked through the door.

My nerves eased a bit, seeing that two of the detectives were the ones who had taken Andy's statement at the hospital and come to my house when she found out Michael was following her.

All three men gave me soft smiles as they came into the living room, taking a seat on the large sofa across from me.

"Detectives Hughes and Grant." I say, giving them a small smile.

"Dr. Anderson, its good to see you again, although I am so sorry it is under these circumstances." Detective Hughes says. I nodded in agreement just as Colton had.

"Please just call me Faye." I say as Colton sits down next to me, and I push myself into his side as he puts a reassuring arm around my shoulder.

Detective Hugh nods in agreement. "You can call me Alden. Detective Grant is Jared, and the third officer with us is Sergeant Jackson Schmidt."

"You can call me Jack." The sergeant says, and Colton and I both nod in agreement before he continues. 

"I am a Sergeant for the SWAT team here in Austin."

I nod, studying him. "Were you there that day?" I ask softly.

"I was." He says.

I scroll through my memory of the aftermath of that day and try to remember if he was there when the SWAT team led us out of the hospital.

"I don't remember meeting you that day, I'm sorry if we've met and I don't remember." I say, more nerves rolling through me.

He swallows before hesitantly speaking. "Don't worry, we didn't meat that day. I uh, " he clears his throat before continuing. "I was on the roof, I was the one who fired the shot at the suspect."

My eyes widen, and Colton gently squeezes my shoulder, bringing me out of the storm of thoughts in my head.

"I requested for him to be here." Colton says, wiping a tear from my face I wasn't even aware was there. "I thought it might help with closure, and while they're here to ask you questions, I know you have some too."

I nod, trying to even remember what questions I had about that day. I think the officers see me struggling, so Jack speaks.

"I think it would be beneficial for us to start with the questions we have for you, and then we can see if that stems any of your own questions?" I nod, and give him the okay to continue as the two detectives to his right pull out notebooks.  

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