Dramatic Entrance

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Hey y'all! Sorry for the hiatus! This semester was really hard on me. I don't know if I've ever really talked about this but I am currently a college student who wants to go to medical school. I graduate in December of this year and I had to make the decision to get my masters before going to medical school (uhg another year of school) to beef up my chances. Getting into med school these days is really hard, and school really took it out of me this semester. I can't make any promises about update schedules this summer since I am taking classes but I would love to finish this book. Thank you all for the unconditional support, hope you enjoy :) <3

Trigger warning, traumatic birth experience ahead. May be a bit dark for some readers.


I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose as my pager goes off for what feels like the 30th time today. It has been a week since Andy saw Michael at the grocery store. The police confirmed that according to security footage he had been following her, but has since dropped off the face of the Earth. Because of this, the police thought it best for Andy to lie low and not go into work for now. Colton, Roman and I also think its a good idea but Andy is definitely struggling with it. Luckily Roman is writing up his research from home, so she's not alone. I don't think she wants to admit it, but I know it makes her feel safer to not have to be alone. Since Andy is on leave for the foreseeable future, the pager has now become mine. 

I quickly dial the number the pager flashes, which I recognize as a line on the labor and delivery floor. I do this a bit confused as I have no scheduled inductions or C-sections, and I usually get a call before my patients are admitted to the floor. Within a few rings, a nurse picks up.

"Hello this is nurse Chelsea."

"Hi Chelsea, this is Dr. Anderson returning a page."

"Oh yes! Dr. Anderson! We have a patient up here requesting you by name. She say's she's not officially your patient, but you took care of her a few months ago."

"Oh? Can you give me her MRN number so I can look her up?"

The nurse reads me the MRN number and I nearly drop the phone when the patient pulls up.

"Holy shit."

"I'm sorry Dr. Anderson?" The nurse replies.

"Sorry! Thats my uh, boyfriends sister in law. Is she in active labor? She's not due for 2 more weeks."

"Oh congrats Dr. Anderson! Yes, contractions are about 4 minutes apart and she's 6cm dilated."

"Okay perfect, I'll be right up. Thank you!"

With that I hang up, rushing to grab my bags and locking my office door behind me. I refrain from calling Colton just in case they haven't called him yet. Even if it is his sister in law, that could be a huge HIPAA violation. 

I try and calm my worries about Callie on the elevator ride up to the labor and delivery floor. She just got her leg cast off less than two weeks ago, and I fear she might be weaker than we had hoped for going through labor. 

The elevator door opens and I rush to her room, already knowing the room number from her patient chart I had pulled up.

I take one last calming breath before entering the room, knowing the last thing she needs is for me to look anxious. 

"Faye! Thank god!" I hear Callie grit out as she holds Alex's hand in a death grip. I seriously hope thats not the arm he dislocated in the accident because she's pulling on it pretty hard. 

"Hey Callie! Need anything? How are we feeling?"

"I need a fucking epidural but they can't tell me how long it's going to be."

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