Facing Them

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Hey y'all! Hope your summer has been good! I finally have some free time since my summer classes finished. I was also working full time so my free time was VERY limited. Hopefully I can get a few more parts out before school starts up again! Also thank you so much for 10K reads! I legit never thought this story would go anywhere so thank you. Much love <3. 


I took a few calming breaths, sitting on the bench next to my locker in the locker-room. I don't know how long I was on the shower floor, but I scrubbed down well after. Who know's how many people have used that thing today. It felt like I could still feel Callie's blood on my body, but I know its long gone. I scrubbed myself to the point of being raw, not wanting Callie, Alex or Colton to see any remains of what happened. I got a text that they were moving Callie to the postpartum section on the floor and were going to keep a close eye on her. 

Colton had texted me a few times seeing how long I would be. I told him I got dragged into some work stuff and needed to get a few things done, when in reality I've been sitting on this bench for at lease an hour. 

I've dealt with a lot of scary deliveries, and a lot of horrible things but nothing prepares you for watching someone you love almost die. Nothing compares to hearing the screams of basically your brother in law, thinking he's going to lose his wife. 

I push back the vomit that threatens to make its way up my throat, not wanting to throw up again. The first thing I did when I got out of the shower was puke, and then finally change into the extra scrubs I keep in my locker. I didn't bother with the pair I wore when Callie delivered, they went straight into the trash. 

I choked back a sob as I questioned what felt like my entire life. No one really tells you how hard going into healthcare is. I mean they tell you its going to be hard work, but no one talks about the emotional torment you go through on a weekly basis. No one talks about the lack of support after horrific days, and no one talks about the silence. The silence of going home after a long day, the silence of sitting in a locker-room by yourself at 4am. 

I slowly stand up, knowing I need to go find Colton before he starts asking people to go looking for me. I feel a bit light-headed as I do so, so I take my time, wincing as I think about the still tender skin on my head from the last fall I had.

Deciding I had learned my lesson last time, I text Colton to meet me at the locker-room door he had left me at earlier before gathering my things and locking my locker. I contemplate in the silence a bit more outside of the door, and don't even hear Colton arrive until his hands are on me.

"Faye, what can I do to help you?"

I swallow my tears as I look at him and shrug. "Right now I don't know that anyone can help me."

Colton looks torn, and I know its killing the savior in him to let me be like this.

"I really need some food though. I'm not feeling great and I threw up about an hour ago."

Colton looks alarmed before putting his arm around me and walking me towards the elevators. Instead of getting on the elevators he leads me to the postpartum side of the floor and to the family lounge with the vending machines. 

He sits me in a chair and elects to get me some pop-tarts, a protein bar and some chips. 

"Ah, dinner of champions." I say dryly.

He rolls his eyes, opening the protein bar for me first. "Sorry I can't get you a gourmet meal at almost 5 in the morning."

I sigh looking over at a clock. Sure enough it was approaching 5. I guess I was in the locker-room for longer than I thought. 

"I have something to confess." I say, taking a bite out of the protein bar and watching him buy a water and electrolyte sport drink next. 

He returns with the drinks, handing me the water first. "And what's that?" He asks softly.

"I didn't really have work to do, I just didn't know how to face you, or your brother, or Callie. I just hid and cried."

Colton quickly wipes the tears from his eyes, trying to keep them from me before pulling me into the chair with him. 

"They're okay Faye. They are so thankful for you. You saved Callie's life again. I cannot imagine how traumatic that was for all of you but I know they want you there. They want you to meet the baby you helped save. They want to tell you how much they love you."

I let out a sob before burying myself into Colton's shoulder. "I know I didn't do anything wrong, and this stuff happens but I've never had it be someone I love. I am so glad I was there to help but all I can see is her blood and all I can hear is Alex's screams."

I feel Colton shudder, letting out his own cries as he stays silent and rubs my back. 

We sit in the silence for a while, just holding each other before I finally answer the question I can feel Colton wanting to ask.

"I can't promise that something like this won't happen to me, Colton. I wish I could but I'm scared too."

Colton takes a deep breath and nods. "I think it's something we can talk about another time. I also think this is something we need to heal from, and we don't have to do it by ourselves."

I nod in agreement.

Colton pushes the rest of the protein bar and water on me, and I oblige, thankful for the distraction. I polish off the chips as well, leaving the pop-tarts to Colton. 

After a few more minutes, we decide to go see how Callie and the baby are doing. I don't know that they ever officially decided on a name, but I'm not sure that was the priority after they determined everyone was safe.

When we get to the room, I take a few deep breaths as Colton knocks. Alex answers, looking elated, a drastic change from the last time I had saw him. He pulls me in tightly for a hug and I have to feign away the shock at his mood. 

"God Faye, we're so thankful for you."

I cry again, for what feels like the thousandth time in the last 4 hours.

"I'm so sorry." I choke out.

Alex pulls away from me, looking at me sternly. "Faye you have nothing to apologize for. It was awful, but you were there, and you helped save them both."

I nodded, falling back into Coltons side as Alex lead us further into the room to see Callie and the baby.

Callie gives me a tired, but happy smile when she sees me. She has the baby swaddled and in her arms, and I can't help but be in awe of his precious little face. 

"Faye, we want you to officially meet Wesley Anderson King."

This time instead of crying, I ugly sob looking at Wesley. 

"We decided to name him after the person who saved his and his momma's life more than once." Alex says, wiping a few tears of his own.

I fall to my knees next to Callie's bed, placing my hand on his head. He moves a bit before settling back into him mom's arms.

"I think this goes without saying, but we want you and Colton to be the godparents if anything ever happens to us." Callie says, placing her hand on top of mine. 

I choke back another sob and I feel Coltons hand on my back. 

"I love you guys so much, thank you for treating me like I've been family for years. It was only Roman and I for so long. I forgot what it's like to have family like this."

Colton pulls me up into his arms and we stand there staring at Wesley, and I can't help but wonder what our baby is going to look like, and whether we're having a boy or a girl. For the first time I actually let myself feel excited for this pregnancy. Anything can happen, and I should enjoy what I have now. 

Who knew the best thing to ever happen to me would be a one night stand. 

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