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Hey y'all! Hope you're having a great week. I plan to have this story finished by the end of the month! I'm planning a re-write to make it a more cohesive story. The large gaps I left between writing parts parts have causes a few plot holes/loose ends. I also might re-write it to make it a little more mature lol ;). Thanks for sticking with me, and thank you so much for the lovely comments and support <3. Hope you enjoy this next part!


Have you ever felt fear so deep that when the problem is settled, you can feel a physical weight coming off of you? That was how I felt after Liz started the ultrasound and was able to play our baby boy's heartbeat clearly through the room. 

Over the past week I had done a lot of healing, mental and physical. Today is my first day out of the house since coming home from the hospital, and I was petrified. The only thing that brought me out was knowing I was doing it for my baby boy. His health and safety will come before mine for the rest of my life, no matter what.

We met Liz at the OB/GYN outpatient clinic, and I was thankful I didn't have to go to the hospital. That is not something I'm ready for yet, and I'm praying by the time I go into labor I'm ready, otherwise this baby is being born at another hospital. 

I'm also nervous because lovely bruises that have turned into a nasty yellow still grace my face. The swelling was finally gone but most of the bruising was still left. I wore color corrector and more makeup than I usually wear, but the bruises around my eyes still peaked through. I was hoping the baseball cap I was wearing would cover those. The last thing I need is strangers staring at me, and sending me into a tail spin.

I'm brought back to the present as Liz rubs the probe over my abdomen, and Colton and I stare in awe as she counts all his little fingers and toes. She then moves on to measure his growth, and look at his heart and brain.

I squeeze Colton's hand a little tighter as she does this, and before Liz says anything I can tell our beautiful boy is perfectly healthy. It feels as though another huge weight comes off of my chest, and like I'm truly breathing for the first time today.

"Everything with growth and development looks perfect, and he is sizing right at 31 weeks." Liz says with a smile, and I can see the relief in her too. I don't know that any of us could have handled any more bad news in our lives.

Liz does another sweep of everything, and its strange to see his movements as I feel them through my abdomen. After this sweep a slight frown mares my face. 

"He's breech." I mumble, and Colton's wide eyes turn to meet mine. 

Liz nods, humming as she looks at the sonogram screen. "Completely normal at 31 weeks, a lot of babies are at this point." Liz states.

I nod my head in agreement. "Most babies will correct their position before 36 weeks, so there's no reason to worry yet." I say, giving Colton a slight smile.

He squeezes my hand in response, and turns his attention back to the screen. 

"Have you guys told your family the sex yet?" Liz asks.

Colton shakes his head no. "We wanted to make sure everything looked okay today."

I nod in agreement. "We're planning on having a friends and family get together this Saturday at our place, I would love if you could be there."

Liz gives us a megawatt smile, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I return her smile. "We've barely talked about names too." I say.

Liz shrugs, handing me a towel to wipe of the jelly from the ultrasound. "We've sent babies home without names before- I think you'll be okay."

"You can do that?" Colton asked, clear surprise on his face. 

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyWhere stories live. Discover now