How to Move On

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Two days in a row!? Who is she!?!? LOL, enjoy this next part!


I woke early the next morning to my nurse taking my vitals and offering pain meds which I gladly took. Just as Colton promised, he was right here when I woke up. He slept through the entire ordeal, his mouth slightly open, only waking when the nurse began to help me get up to the restroom.

Colton was quick to come around the bed and take over for the nurse. He heaved me up by my armpits, seemingly the only place that didn't scream in pain when touched.

The walk to the bathroom was slow, and Colton continued to support some of my weight while the nurse trailed behind us, a hand to the small of my back.

My entire torso screamed with every movement, and the trip was anything but graceful. I had long passed the point of being embarrassed as I peed in front of the nurse and Colton. I knew they didn't care in the slightest, and Colton would have fought to stay and help me anyways, but it killed me to be so dependent on people.

When I finally got back into bed, 15 minutes had passed and I felt like I could barely breathe. Every deep breath felt like knives in my side even with the pain meds kicking in.

"She seems worse than yesterday, is that normal?" Colton asks, watching me clench my teeth through shallow breaths.

The nurse nods in sympathy, telling Colton what I already knew. The few days following an injury or surgery the pain gets worse before getting better, although it does worry me how hard it is to breathe. I already couldn't breathe from being pregnant, but this feels like a different ball game.

Colton nods at the nurse and thanks her, studying me again. The nurse also studies me, seemingly counting my respiration rate, which I know is high.

"Dr. Anderson, is it okay if I grab another set of vitals on you?"

"Please just call me Faye." I say, nodding.

It felt like everything was making my anxiety worse, and I genuinely couldn't tell if I was having actual breathing problems or a panic attack.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax as she took my pulse ox, heart rate, and blood pressure, but I knew my blood pressure was going to be elevated. I mean whose wouldn't be elevated after the shit show I lived the last 24 hours?

I feel the automatic blood pressure cuff release and brave a look at the vitals machine. I bite my lip as I take in the numbers. Blood pressure of 157/94, heart rate of 117, and shockingly a normal oxygen sat of 99.

"Well that's not ideal." I murmur, trying to keep my focus on my breathing.

Colton looks like a deer caught in headlights as the nurse pulls out her hospital phone to message whom I assume to be the doctor.

"What does this mean?" Colton asks, moving closer to me and grabbing my hand.

"It means I'm probably going to get a special visit from the OB doctor and some more tests to see if something is causing the high blood pressure and heart rate. My guess would be it's because I need more pain control. Since I'm pregnant they're going to work me up for pre-eclampsia as well." I state, giving Colton's hand a squeeze.

The nurse smiles, slipping her phone back into her scrub pocket. "You pretty much nailed it Faye."

I send a small smile back. "It's a blessing and a curse knowing what's going on." I say.

She nods in agreement. "Truer words have never been spoken. To go along with the eclampsia workup I'm going to check you over for swelling, other than the bruising you have. Have you noticed any new swelling?"

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