She Knows

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Hey y'all! Thank you so much for the love on the last chapter! I got more favorites than I was definitely expecting and I hit 1K reads! I'm trying to update more but COVID has caused some major changes that have kept me busy (I'm sure many of you can relate). I hope you're all staying safe and enjoy this next chapter! College is not meant to be online and I am driving the struggle bus lol. ALSO if someone wants to make me a cover I would really appreciate it!! Ik this is a small story but if someone was interested I would of course plug you!

"Dr. Anderson are you okay?!" I vaguely hear as I continue to spew what little I had for breakfast into the public hospital toilet.

It had been a week since I met the new medical students on my team and a week since I got the HR email. A meeting was set for this Thursday, two days from now. We had just finished rounds and I was walking Marissa to a workshop on suturing that I was leading for the medical students. About half way there a wave of nausea like I've never felt before hit me and I bolted into a nearby bathroom, cutting off Marissa mid-sentence.

I stood up and wiped my mouth with toilet paper before I flushed. When I turned around Marissa was standing outside of the stall door I hadn't even had time to close before I started throwing up. Her eyes were wide with worry and I almost wanted to laugh.

"I'm fine, just overly exhausted." I say, hoping that the conversation about my well-being stops here.

"Do you want me to get you any water or crackers from a nurses station?" she asks.

I shake my head no as I make my way over to the sink and wash my hands. I can see her confused look in the reflection of the mirror as I finish drying my hands.

"I promise I'm okay, just pretty anxious this week" I say, giving her a soft smile.

She smiles back and we continue walking toward one of the classrooms in the hospital. When we arrive the room is filled with about 25 students and a few other attendings. We get assigned groups of five and I'm happy to see that Marissa ends up in my group. I teach sitting, which I'm thankful for. I still feel weak from the throwing up I had done 10 minutes before. After the two hour session is done I decide to round one more time before heading home early.

Marissa offers to round with me and I take her up on the offer. We usually do teaching rounds once per day in the morning just because everyones schedule can get hectic in the afternoons but I'm thankful she wants to use her free time to do some more practicing and rounding.

We only have 3 patients to cover and Marissa presents them all to me flawlessly. Even though she's only been doing this a week she has learned so fast and I can tell she works hard. By the end of rounding I feel even weaker than I had before we started.

"Dr. Anderson, are you sure you're okay?" She asks as I slowly pick up my bag from outside the last room we rounded.

"I'm still feeling pretty sick so I think I'm going to head out a little early today." I say smiling, which I'm sure looks more like a grimace.

My head spins as I stand up from picking up my bag and I visibly sway on my feet before finding my ground.

"I don't want to overstep Dr. Anderson but I don't think you should drive home like this."

She looks as me nervously as she says this, and I honestly agree with her. "You're definitely right, would you mind waiting with me downstairs while I call my... boyfriend." I say. It almost sounded like I had questioned if he was my boyfriend but it felt weird to say.

She agrees and we walk towards the elevators as I call Colton. He answers on the first ring as he always does when I call.

"Hey, whats up!?" He says, and I can hear people talking in the background.

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