Hold Me Forever

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Really quickly I just want to wish everyone well during this time. I know its scary, and I know you're frustrated but I hope you don't lose hope <3. If anyone needs to talk feel free to message me and I'll try and help in the best way I can. I hope to update a bunch since my college extended spring break and I was able to get my living arrangement figured out. I also can't work because I'm a campus tour guide but we're figuring it out :). Much love <3

I awaken to soft tapping against my windows, and open my eyes. I'm in my bedroom, moved from where I fell asleep against Colton on my couch. The rain against my windows is steady. As I look outside I can't tell if its evening or if I slept until the next morning. I feel rested, like very rested, so it could very well be the next day. 

I can hear Colton's voice coming from what sounds like my living room, most likely talking to someone on the phone. I take a minute to think about everything thats happened, and I can't help but wish Colton and I could have had a normal start to our relationship. I wish we could have dated, and gotten to know each other instead of being forced together by a baby. Of course the blame falls on both of us, but there's no harm in wishing right? I also wish our second meeting wasn't in the hospital with his brother and sister in law's life on the line. I could wish for a billion things, but the fact is life goes the way it does for a reason, and I just have to remember that.

I stand from my bed, making my way to the bathroom before heading to the living room to find Colton. We needed to have a serious conversation, and not have me break down sobbing in the middle of it. 

When I walk into the living room I can see he's still on the phone, so I make my way to the kitchen for some water. When I open the fridge I see my two bagels from earlier, but no evidence that Colton's egg sandwich had ever been in the house. I grab a water and leave my bagels for later, still feeling unrest in my stomach. I should really make a list of foods that don't agree with me anymore, starting with enemy number one, eggs. 

As I turn back to the living room with my water, Colton hangs up his phone and looks a little surprised to see me.

"To be honest I thought you were never waking up," he says, with a small smirk on his face.

I shrug as I sit down on the couch next to him, pulling a blanket over my frame. He looks at my face, studying me for a moment. 

"Are you feeling any better?" he asks. 

I shrug again. "My stomach still feels gross but I don't feel the imminent need to throw up so thats definitely an improvement from earlier."

He nods. "By the way, I had someone get your car from the parking garage at the hospital, I hope you don't mind but I didn't want you to worry about getting it later."

I look at him surprised, "I'm not angry, but more confused. How did you even get it out? Also who got it out?"

He chuckles. "I had someone who works for me come by here and get your keys. I figured you had to swipe into the parking garage at work so I just had him pay a lost ticket fee so I didn't have to take your hospital badge."

I nod, feeling a bit bad. "I can give you cash for the fee."

He shakes his head. "Its not necessary, it was my idea."

I nod, not having the energy to dispute it. We sit in silence as I try and figure out what to say next. We have so much to talk about I don't even know where to start. 

"I think we need to talk about some stuff, but I don't even know where to start," I say.

He nods. "We do, I think we should start with what you want to do, its your body and I don't think it's fair for me to demand anything of you."

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz