Death Wish

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Hey y'all! Hope you enjoy this part! Trying to pull myself out of a rut- my family decided to cancel our New Year vacation and I'm pretty bummed. We're all vaxxed and boosted so I was hoping it would work out but it's more important to keep ourselves safe :). Also! I named this chapter after a comment on the last chapter! Someone mentioned Michael had a death wish so I thought it was appropriate!


"He found me Faye, please help."

My heart plummets at the sound of her voice and I instantly pull her in the front door, shutting and locking it.

As I bring her in, Andy collapses in my arms, pulling me down to the ground with her.

Her sobs seem to alert Roman and Colton because I can hear them both bound from the living room and into the entryway. 

Colton freezes at spotting our forms, as does Roman. The only difference is that Colton's face is murderous, while Roman's is confused. 

After a few moments, Andy seems to sense there's other people in the room and looks up before her sobs increase.

"I'm sorry Faye, I'm so sorry."

I hush her, rubbing her back as I signal Roman and Colton away. I can hear them speaking quietly in the kitchen as I stay in my spot on the floor with Andy. 

When I finally sense she's calmed down a little, I lead her to the living room and sit her on the couch before grabbing a bottle of water for her and heading back. Colton and Roman apprehensively make their way into the living room, sitting on the couch opposite from Andy.

Andy takes a couple deep breathes, wiping her face with tissues and my stomach sinks at the site of her still black and blue form. Some of her bruises had started to turn yellow like the one on my head, but many still held a deep color. 

I clear my throat before speaking. "Andy, this is my brother Roman. You can trust him." I say softly. 

Andy simply nods, looking down at her lap before looking back up at me, deliberating what to say. 

We hadn't told Roman anything about Andy simply because it hadn't been something he needed to know until now. I assume Colton briefly filled him in while they were in the kitchen, at least I hope. I doubt Andy wants to tell her story again. 

"Andy, how do you know he found you?" I ask softly, my eyes scanning over her form.

She doesn't appear to have any new bruising or injuries, but it would be pretty hard for me to tell. 

"I thought I was just paranoid at first." She says as her voice breaks. "I saw this car multiple times over the last two days and I thought I was crazy, but then I saw him. The windows of the car were too tinted for me to see the driver but I saw him in the grocery store. He's tracking me. I got a notification on my phone that an unknown device has been following me."

I swallow back curse words as Colton simply lets them fly. Roman just looks murderous. I can't help but thank god for the new cellphone feature that notifies you when it detects unknown tracking devices. 

"I went back to Colton's house after and ditched my phone and car and then got a taxi here. I didn't know where to go and I didn't want him following me to you." She says, breaking out in sobs again.

Colton lets out another string of curse words before standing to grab his phone. "Fucking hell I should have had them scan for trackers." He says, sighing heavily. "Do you have a description of the car? or a plate number?" he asks, trying to soften his voice. 

Andy nods. "It was a newer Jeep, black. Plates were TYR 7194."

I let out a sigh of relief knowing she was able to get that, even though she scared out of her mind. Colton simply nods, heading into the master bedroom where I assume he'll call his security team.  

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