Overbearing Danger

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Hey y'all! Thanks for all the love, it truly means a lot, so as a thank you, here's a double update <3. Seriously though, for those of you who have been commenting (you know who you are) y'all will always have a special place in my heart. If you want to send me some names you would like to see in the story I can write them in for y'all! Hope you enjoy this part!


I sighed, quickly setting down the box I carried into our new house before Colton sees me, and rest my hands on my sore back. He has convinced himself I cannot lift a finger today, and that I shouldn't carry anything. It's a good thing he doesn't have a great idea of the medical field, because he would flip his lid if he found out I help move patients from bed to bed. 

Roman enters the kitchen behind me, setting down a few boxes before turning to me. "Thank god you're rich. Wildlife research DOES NOT pay well." He says chuckling.

I roll my eyes before lifting the box I brought in from the floor to the counter, unpacking dishes that had come from Colton's old house. As I do so I hear a voice clear behind me.

"Roman don't tell me you have a stick up your ass like Colton does, this box wasn't heavy and I'm perfectly capable of carrying things." I snap, whipping around to yell at him. 

Instead of finding my doof of a brother, I find Colton instead, standing with his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised. 

"Stick up my ass?" Colton says, a mix of annoyance and humor on his face.

"Busted!" I hear Roman say as he walks out of the kitchen back towards the front door.

I slump my shoulders, putting my head in my hands as Colton continues to stand there.

"Colton I'm going to actually go crazy if you keep this up. It is perfectly safe for me to carry things, and encouraged to do things I could do before I was pregnant. If I start to strain myself I'll stop. If it starts to hurt, I'll stop." I say, fibbing a little knowing how sore my back was. To be fair, it's always sore these days. 

It felt like as soon as I hit 28 weeks last week my stomach popped, and the back pain started. I was 29 weeks today, and I couldn't believe in 11 short weeks (give or take) our baby would be here. 

I look up and Colton is staring at the ceiling, seemingly asking god for patience. To be honest I think he's going to need a lot more help than god can offer. It feels like I've been in a permanent pissy mood the last few days between packing, balancing work and moving. We waited a few weeks after the house was ready to move considering how much we had gone through when Callie gave birth. We had also stayed with Callie and Alex the weekend she went home to help out with Colton's parents as well. 

"Faye can you please just appease me for the time being. I know you're perfectly capable but you shouldn't have to do ay of this. We have movers and we have your brother and Andy, and my parents will be here later. It is taking all my willpower to not wrap you in bubble wrap after Callie almost died. Please for my peace of mind just let everyone else carry stuff in, and you can unpack."

I sign, feeling nauseous from guilt. I hadn't thought about how Callie's near death would affect him. He wasn't in there, so I was quick to write him off but his brother almost lost his wife during birth, and he's afraid of the same thing happening to me. 

I sigh, stepping into his arm and kissing his throat before resting my head on his chest. "Sorry I've been such a bitch lately. There's been so much stress. I'm trying to keep up with work and moving and making sure Andy is safe."

He places his chin on top of my head. "Sorry I've been overbearing, I just don't want anything to happen to you."

I nod in agreement, pushing back the nausea that's been on and off all day. Liz prescribed me some more supplements. My levels have been low, especially iron. This baby has quite literally been stealing everything from me. Colton's mom told me she thinks that means it's a girl, but I feel like it's a boy. Colton does too, but I think he's just going with whatever I say. We decided to wait til the baby is born to find out the gender and build and buy everything gender neutral. Before I had refused to find out because of fear, now I actually want it to be a surprise.

I hate the stereotypical pink and blue everything, so I'm excited to go with neutral colors. Our moment was interrupted by Colton's parents coming through the door.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" Colton's mom says.

"I know! I'm so excited!" I say pulling her into a hug.

I pull away when my phone starts ringing, groaning when I realize it's a hospital number. Luckily I was able to step away from work today to help with moving, but I'm still on call.

"This is Dr. Anderson speaking."

Colton looks at me with a knowing look and I shrug.

"Yeah, I'll be there within the next half hour, thanks!"

I hang up, turning to Colton, his parents and my brother. "I'm really sorry guys, two patients just came in so I need to go in. I'll be back sometime this evening."

Colton's parents nodded in understanding, and Colton pulled me into a hug.

"We understand, go be the amazing doctor I know you are."

I laugh, shoving Colton's cheesy ass away.

I make my way to our bedroom, thankful I had the mind to pack a suitcase full of things I would need immediately and pull out a pair of scrubs and my tennis shoes. 

After I change, I kiss Colton goodbye and hug Callie, Alex and Wesley who had decided to come over and help unpack.

When I arrive at the hospital I quickly make my way over to the labor and delivery floor and head into the physicians lounge. Every floor in the hospital has nurse's and physician's lounges. There isn't a rule that one can't be in the other's lounges, but my badge doesn't work on the nurse's lounge door, and their badges don't work on the physician's lounge door.

When I arrive to the lounge, I am pleasantly surprised to see Marissa. "Marissa! How have you been now that you're on the GYN rotation instead of labor and delivery and mother-baby?!"

She smiles when she sees me. "Really well Dr. Anderson! I miss you but I'm going to elect to go back to your team for my free rotation. I really love women's health, and I hope to match into residency here as well." She says, looking a bit shy toward they end.

"We would be so lucky to have you! Let me know when you need those recommendation letters." I say smiling.

Marissa nods and takes a seat at one of the tables, continuing to work on her laptop. I turn the corner of the lounge to the small computer lab we have to check the charts of the patients that had been admitted.  I say quick hello's to the residents in the lounge before blocking everything out and studying the charts. These weren't my patient's through their prenatal care, but since I'm on call today I'm the one delivering their babies. I don't necessarily like that patients have to have doctors switch so often, but it isn't sustainable to be continuously on call so you can deliver the babies of all your own patients. 

I hear a knock on the door of the lounge, and I assume its a medical student trying to get in. As much work as they do with physicians in the lounge, they don't actually have access to the rooms. I tried to advocate for access but some old-timey attendings didn't "want their space invaded."

I roll my eyes at the thought and look up to see Marissa rounding the corner, looking a bit confused.

"Dr. Anderson someone is here for you, he's waiting on the couches out in the lounge."

I nod, logging out of the computer. I hear a large bang, and Marissa and I look at each other concerned. As we turn the corner out of the computer lab, I can feel the color drain from my face. 

"Dr. Anderson. You're a hard person to track down. I've been meaning to talk to you about your interference in my life."

I swallow the bile in my throat, trying to calm my pounding heart. Standing before me was none-other than Andy's husband, and he had just destroyed the badge reader on the door, meaning no one could come in. 

I pull Marissa behind me as he pulls out a gun and smirks. "You've got a lot to answer for Dr. Anderson."

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