Wedding Blues

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Hey everyone! Sorry (for the billionth time) for another hiatus! I had a lot going on in my personal life and really had to focus on my family and my moms health- but we're doing so good now! Here's another chapter!


I groan as the sound of knocking pulls me from my restless sleep. I should have swallowed my pride and brought my damn pregnancy pillow, but I hadn't wanted the embarrassment of bringing it to the resort Taylor was having her wedding at. 

The person knocks again and I sigh. I groan again, opening my eyes to see Colton's eyes already on me. 

"You're not gonna answer the door?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I was hoping if I ignored it they would go away." He mumbles groggily before pulling himself out of bed.

I roll my eyes. Bastard should have answered the door faster- maybe I wouldn't have been woken up.

I allow myself time to admire Colton's bare back and torso as he heads towards the door of our suite. On his way to the door, I realize I don't even know what time it is, or what time we're supposed to check out of here.

I take a deep breath and roll myself to my other side so I can access my phone on the night stand. "Jesus Christ its only 8am." I mumble to myself.

Taking another deep breath, I pull myself to a sitting position in bed with my back resting against the headboard, and my hands resting on my stomach. The baby kicks in response to the movement, and I smile, rubbing my hands down my stomach.

I hear Colton open the door, and am surprised when I hear Taylor's voice. Unfortunately, its Taylors pissed off voice.

"Is Faye awake?" I hear her say with a clipped tone.

"She is now." Colton responds in the same short tone.

I wince, knowing that if those two decided to get into it, there would be no winners.

"Are you going to move to let me in Colton? I have things to do, places to be." Taylor answers.

I hear Colton huff before the sound of Taylor's heels hit the tile of our room.

Taylor turns the corner and I stare at her with my eyebrows raised. She shakes her head, and instead of heading for me, heads to the minibar.

"Help yourself." I mumble.

Colton enters the room, sending me a confused look. I shrug in response.

"Am I allowed to be here for this, or am I being kicked out of my room?" Colton asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, you can stay. I think you're going to find this interesting." Taylor responds, popping the top off of a mini wine bottle and drinking straight from it.

Colton turns to me, his eyebrows again raised. I shrug again, genuinely confused about why Taylors here.

"Tay, is everything okay? Where's Carson?" I ask, feeling my nerves grow. 

She should not be this upset the morning after her wedding.

"He's finishing packing up the suite so we can leave for the airport and our honeymoon." She responds before turning and sitting on the end of our bed.

Colton gets in the bed as well, resting his back on the headboard as I am, and places a hand over mine on my belly. I give him a small smile, trying not to fidget.

"So I ended my friendship with half of my bridesmaids this morning." Taylor says nonchalantly.

My jaw drops as Colton just looks confused. My mind instantly goes to my moment with Carson yesterday, and how he cheered me up after Savannah and one of the other bridesmaids was nasty to me. What a fucking snitch.

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя