At Home

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Hey y'all! I don't really have any updates lol. Still chugging away on finishing this, but I'm unsure how many more chapters I'm going to write- probably somewhere between 5-10 before finishing it up. Hope you enjoy this next part!


I let my eyes wander around our beautiful backyard, taking in everything around me. I couldn't help but think in the back of my mind that the other shoe was about to drop, that this was about to all go away. My life has not been easy, if the last few months are anything to go by. When you factor in the dead parents I think I definitely drew a lot of short straws. Even with all that pain, I still ended up somewhere amazing, surrounded by the people who love me unconditionally. 

I take in Colton as he laughs with a couple of his friends I finally got to meet, including his best friend Jackson who he runs his business with. He looks the most carefree I've seen him in what feels like ages.

My eyes are then drawn over to Andy and my brother. They talk quietly amongst themselves, and Roman holds Andy's hand in his. I don't think they realize everyone can see how there's definitely something going on, but we leave them to their peace. Him and Andy deserve the world, and I just have to hope neither one of them ends up hurt. They're both still currently living in my house. I signed the deed over to Roman, and I know he insisted Andy stay a little longer. I think if he had his way she would never move out.

Finally, my eyes fall to Colton's family. The one who took me in no questions asked, even though we announced I was pregnant the first time meeting them as Colton's partner, and not Callie's doctor. Colton's parents Grace and Eric look full of life, and for the first time in almost a year their entire family is together. Colton's little sister Ellie came back from studying abroad in Spain, and Colton had no idea she was going to be here today. The tears in his eyes when he saw her were enough to make me cry, although that happens pretty easily these days. Even though Colton had told me, it shocks me how young she is. Her 21st birthday is next week, and her brothers like to remind her she's the oops baby regularly. 

Ellie is exactly how I thought she would be, gorgeous just like her brothers and so kind. She even brought back a hand-made baby blanket from Spain. I was worried she would hate me because so much changed while she was gone, a major part of that being me, but she accepted me just as the rest of Colton's family did. 

I smile as I watch Ellie snuggle baby Wesley, making up for lost time with her Nephew. In 8 short weeks, or less, she will be holding Colton and I's baby. The thought makes my stomach clench in fear. We are so not ready. I still need to pack a hospital bag- it's never too early. And our bassinet is on backorder. And there's still furniture that needs to be put together in the nursery. I also need to wash all the baby clothes. Jesus christ is this what nesting is?

"Earth to Faye."

I startle a bit before giving Taylor a smile. I try and push back the guilt that is currently eating me alive. I might be the shittiest maid of honor to ever live. I know there's a lot of things out of my control, but it doesn't stop me from feeling like a shit friend. First, I missed the bridesmaid dress fitting all those months ago, and now I can't go on her bachelorette trip next weekend because I'm still on 'bedrest'. Obviously it's not a super strict bed rest since we're having this party, but I'm under strict orders to stay on my ass, not lift a finger, and not stress under any circumstances. 

I'm barely being allowed to be in Taylor's wedding at this point. Liz approved it as long as nothing pops up, and I'm not feeling any pain from my injuries when the day comes. I'm counting down the days, and praying I make it to her wedding. It would break me if I don't. I can tell the idea still scares Colton, but he's been assured he will sit as close to the front as possible, and Liz will be on speed dial. 

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