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"I'll take this little angel down the cave. Meanwhile, you can fetch the kids and bring them here." Jessi said. Standing up from her favorite couch and carried the heavy dragon egg on her arm.

"What about Ysabella?" Samuel asked while lacing his shoes. "Do we just leave her here?"

"I thought we agreed with this. That demon must be put to shackle first before we can start their hide and seek. If we let him join! He'll spoil the fun!" Jessi explained and rolled her eyes.

Jessi was actually the one who gave Samuel an idea of how will he introduce the last two members of their group.

She proposed a hide and seek.
She will bring the egg to the underground cave where no magic other than those from the celestial hierarchy works. It's the same cave where Samuel was dragged by the old woman.
They had built the house there and it had gone through hundreds of renovation as years passes them like storms.

And since there is a demon involve. There is no guarantee that he won't cheat. So it's best to leave him out of the game and make sure he's too focused on something else.
Which is why Ysabella will be left around the house to welcome their first ever guest in centuries.
And maybe surprised everyone including her caretakers.

"Okay! I'll see you in a bit!" Samuel laughed lightly as he finally made his way out.

Hopping excitedly to his car before driving to fetch everyone.
It's sunday and Samuel figured it's a perfect day with a perfect weather to finally introduced Ysabella and Kitsch.

As much as he wanted to see the reactions of his friends when they meet. Except only the part that Trevor still feels the pain on his neck because of his dead mate.
He didn't wanna spoil the fun so he made sure that he didn't see much from the whole day and kept himself clueless like them.

Samuel is very excited and was smiling like a total whipped id**t during the whole ride.

Samuel first arrived in Jade's neighborhood. This is actually his first time there and he would've been nervous to meet the one who takes care of her. But Samuel is more excited of their special event later.

"Samuel!!?" Jade gasped in surprise seeing the tall male standing on her doorstep. The same smile glued on his face like an image.

"Come in!" She said and gestured the male to come inside.

Samuel thanked her and soon met Sarah, the one who's been taking care of her.

"Sarah! This is Samuel! He's the one I've been telling you about. Samuel, this is Sarah. She's the one who takes care of me." Jade introduced them both.

Sarah quickly stood up and gently bowed her head to the prince. "Your highness." She said with pure politeness and Samuel quickly waved off his hand.

"Please. Let's drop the formalities. You can just call me by my name!" Samuel said as he smiled. Causing a fluttering butterflies to the woman.

The two shook hands briefly and Samuel couldn't help but see a very interesting information.
Or maybe a very and most dangerous one at that.

He cleared his throat and decided to shake off the thoughts. Sarah invited him to take a seat while she went to the kitchen to prepare snacks for their special and handsome royal visitor.

"Y-you made quite a surprise visit. I w-wasn't able to prepare." Jade said while trying to avoid his gaze and trying to fix her still messy hair.

Samuel chuckled at the girl's small actions. She seemed like she only just got out of bed and was in a very hurry when he suddenly knocked on their door.

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