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"Are you sure he can breathe here?" Yvel asked for the nth time while trying to peek on the bag on her back.

It was Blue's suggestion to put Kitsch inside the old school bag he found in the house. While Yvel disguised as a high school student.

"He can. Don't worry about him." Samuel assured.

"Okay! We'll go now." The girl said with a sigh while gripping tightly on the straps of the bag.

Yvel walked out of the house. A couple minutes after Ysabella and Yalex left to draw attention away from the house.

Yvel quickly walked on the sidewalk. Trying to immerse herself in her disguise. Thankfully, the dragon behaved very well inside the back pack and didn't squirm at all. Maybe because of the two chunk of meats that Jade left there. Or he's just behaving.

The sooner Yvel and Kitsch are far. It was Coleen and Trevor's turn.

The two had disguised as a bystanders. More like a couple on a date and it was Trevor's suggestion because why not.

"Just be careful you two. We'll see you outside the city." Samuel reminded the two before they waved off with their intertwined hands.

Once the two were out of sight.

"Don't think I haven't noticed their hands linked since we were down hell." Jade whispered at Samuel before she turned at the next couple.

"We'll see you later." The two said and left quickly.
Leaving Samuel and Jade with each other.

"Well then. Shall we?" Samuel chuckled and offered his hand to the girl. Jade smiled in response and the two finally left the house premises.

"Look." Trevor whispered and beckoned to their left.

The two sorcerers spotted a bunch of military vehicles driving in a haste. Probably to Blue's house.

"Come on. It's still a long way to our exit." Coleen said and the two hurried their steps to find the food court.

After a few minutes of walk, the two arrived at the food court and quickly spotted the wall where they'll go through.

"There's too many people. What do we do?" Coleen asked in concern. It's not like it's fine for everyone to see young couple destroying a tall wall of bush.

"I hate walls like that." Trevor mumbled with a cute pout on his face. Coleen looked at him with confusion but the sooner she realized what he meant, she could only laugh lightly.

"Let's go. We need to find a way out." Coleen said to him and the two started searching for a blind spot where no civilian will see them climb and jump off the wall.

"I got it!" Trevor said and Coleen immediately looked at him.

Trevor was holding a deck of card on his hands. Along with a sly grin on his lips.

"We just need to draw their attention away right?" He asked and Coleen nodded her head.

Trevor gestured the girl to follow him which she did. She watch Trevor pick one person, specifically a janitor. The black sorcerer invaded his mind and gained control.

The janitor unconsciously walked towards them so Trevor can give him the cards. Once he did, the man left immediately and went to the center where everyone can see him.

The janitor didn't looked tranced at all. He looks pretty normal like every other sane person.

"Come on. We have five minutes before he runs out of tricks!" Trevor giggled and pulled the girl as they make a run towards the wall.

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