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Jade darted a surprised look at Samuel. He was grinning and his eyes were glowing Blue.

"Congratulations Your Highness!" He chuckled and effortlessly broke the cuffs on his wrist.

He stood up and offered a hand to the mermaid princess.

"You are the first person ever who stepped with full conscious mind into my humble frozen world." He stated with a chuckle.

Jade giggled at his statement and effortlessly broke the cuff as well. She accepted Samuel's hand and stood up with his help.

"You used your ability? Wouldn't they use it to track us?" Jade asked while they made their way out of the basement.

"There's still a few things left they can't go against us with the technology they got from Blue. And time is one of them. Especially that it is a very crucial part of the universe. Time is beyond any human mind's capability to study." Samuel explained.

The two of them halted to get a better look at Dr. Jairo.

"Do you think he's gonna catch one of us?" Jade asked as she watch Samuel erasing every datas he can find from the laptops in front of the doctor.

"His men are on their way to corner Yvel. Blue and Rhian will be cornered too since someone recognized Blue." Samuel said as he finished and the two continued walking to the exit.

Jade felt a little surreal seeing how everything is frozen around her. Especially how their facial expressions stopped which made them look a bit funny.

So she went a bit naughty at that and made them punch themselves once Samuel unfreeze the time.

"Yalex will cause a distraction so Ysabella will be able to rescue Yvel and fly her off the city. We can go and help the dead couple. We have time to run to a cafe where we can wait for them for 30 seconds. Then once everyone is out. We can try what you suggested, although it might just leave them with a blank mind and make them more furious. But it's better to slow them down from hunting us to our next destination." Samuel explained the moment they stopped in front of a closed bakery shop already far from the house.

Samuel had unfreezed the time and Jade wished she could've seen the soldiers punching their own faces.

"Wow. You really got everything detailed." Jade complimented.

"Of course. It's me!" Samuel snickered proudly and pulled Jade to run to the cafe.

As planned. The two royalties stood in front of the door pretending to check on the menu posted on the glass door.
Waiting for 30 seconds until...

"Samuel? Jade!?" Rhian and Blue appeared behind the two with a rather surprised expression.

"Perfect. Let's go." Samuel said and beckoned the three to follow him inside the cafe.

"Now. As long as none of us teleport. We won't be tracked." Samuel explained.

The staffs started causing a scene when they recognized Blue and all of the customers quickly fled while some called the authority.

The three made their way to the rooftop. The cafe building is actually two storeys with a rooftop. And it's built beside the tall wall of bush.

"So you want us to jump to the other side?" Rhian asked while peeking to the other side of the wall.

"Oh would you look at that. It's a wall of bush." She said with sarcasm and looked at the two royalties who shared the same frowning expression.

"When we go back home. I'll make sure to throw away every bush in my garden!" Rhian laughed before casually jumping off to the other side of the wall.

Blue looked at the two first before he followed his girlfriend.

"Let's go. The cops will be here in five minutes and they'll try to look for us. We need to leave the church for the next ten minutes before they discover our next destination." Samuel explained and offered a hand to the princess.

"You know. Your detailed explanation is really amusing. But I'm also in for surprises!" She said as she laughed and the two made a run before jumping off the wall.

"Don't go too much on the children. They are still young." Ysabella reminded as she watch Yalex enters one of the many houses in the city.

Yalex specifically chose that household because it has one of the biggest family where each family members are present inside the house.

"Aren't you gonna worry about me?" Yalex asked cheekily and the phoenix just gave him an eyeroll.

Geez. I taught her attitude but I didn't expect she'd use it on me!

"You don't need worrying. You're the one who's gonna scare this family to death." She said and laughed at how Yalex pouted as he whine.

Ysabella waved her hand before she transformed into a phoenix and flew away to search for Yvel and her brother.

A couple minutes after they started to leave the house first. Ysabella sensed that her brother is in trouble.
She's been very strict about his safety ever since what she saw in the underworld. So she became more protective of Kitsch. Which is why no matter how manageable the situation, she will always come to his aid.

Ysabella finally located the two. Yvel was running on the road while three military cars were tailing after her.
Without hesitation. The phoenix blew fire on the path that made all the cars to abruptly stopped. She led Yvel to an alleyway while the soldiers are still getting off their vehicles.

Once the ladies are in a blind spot for a short minute. Ysabella morphed into her human form and pulled Yvel to enter the backyard of the house on their left.

"Is he okay?" Ysabella asked and the two checked the dragon in the bag. He wouldn't stop squirming because he had eaten all the meat and he still wants more.

"We should hurry. He might start biting off the bag." Yvel chuckled and looked at Ysabella.

The two entered the house from the backdoor.
Nobody seems to be in the house because it was lock. So Ysabella kind of broke the lock just so they can enter.

The two had to change clothes and literally ransacked the house's closet. Thankfully, whoever lived in that house is a woman and have a magically same size as them.

Yvel went to ransack the kitchen for a meat while Ysabella changed the old bag to a blue bag where humans usually put their dogs in when they hang out.

"Here!" Yvel exclaimed and put three frozen meat inside the bag where the dragon quickly entered.

The bag have a black net inside so it was the least better so no one would think there's a dragon inside as long as he doesn't whine.

"Let's go." Yvel said and the two left the house.

After a few minutes of brisk walking. The two are almost in the exit. But there were too many guards who's probably looking for them.

"Let's hide there." Ysabella whispered and pointed to a small truck that had tons of baskets of fruits on its back.

The two hurried and hid under the baskets and waited for the truck to move. Which thankfully it did before the remaining time of Samuel's vision ends.

The two quietly jumped off the truck once it got far from the city. Rhian had seen them jumping off from afar so she was the one who came after them to lead them to the church.

"Where's Yalex?"

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