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"You said you can see ghosts right? Do you see any of them here in my hometown?" Rhian asked as she and Blue continues to stroll in the old hallway. Their hands were intertwined together as they walk pretty slow.

"There's no souls here. If there is, it would be your people's victims." He said and Rhian only nodded her head.

"Rhian. Don't you wanna try to talk to Yvel? See if you can find out something about her?" Blue asked and Rhian only let out a huff.

"Maybe. But I don't think now is the right time for that. Maybe if this visiting mission is over. I can try to talk to her about it." She said and smiled at the boy.

A few minutes more and the new couple sensed that Trevor and Yalex had gone back from hunting.

They didn't bother to join them and just continued to ward the second floor of the house.
The two entered one of the rooms. An old music room perhaps.

In there, there is an old golden harp and a white dusty piano.

"You have one of this back in your mansion." Blue said upon tracing his hand on the old piano. He pressed his finger on one of the tiles but it only let out a displeasing sound.

But somehow, Blue felt something heavy and strong coming from the piano. Like a lost spirit stucked with the instrument for a very special reason.

"My uncle used to play that piano. He was too supressed by the fact that he doesn't have a family of his own. And that is what he used to express how he feels." Rhian stated and made her way to the harp.

Unlike the piano. When Rhian briefly played the harp, it made a very satisfying sound that even captured the boy's attention.

"Rhian!?" They heard Yvel's voice calling from the hallway.

The couple looked at each other before they both decided to leave the room.

Rhian and Blue met the other three ladies. They gave the couple a suspicious look. Hoping that they weren't fighting inside the music room. Not really aware that the two are now an item.

"What is it?" Rhian asked with her usual irritated-like tone and eyed the three.

"Do you have any make up we can use?" Yvel asked nicely while rapidly blinking her eyes and Rhian furrowed her brows.

"What do you need it for?" She asked but led them anyway to her old room where Maysie stayed.

Her things are left there and will probably stay there now since Yalex had killed the life out of her. She ranscaked on the nightstands and eventually found her make up purse.
She could easily tell that Maysie have a knack of dolling up herself base from the thick lipstick and heavy make up she was wearing today. So it's pretty obvious that she'll have a few make ups among her things.

She handed the purse to Yvel and the girl shoved it on Coleen's arms.

"Let's go." Jade said and pulled Yvel and Coleen with her.

Rhian and Blue wanted to follow them. But decided not to and just spent their alone time together before Yalex can try to ruin it for them.

The three started searching for Trevor. Eventually locating him in the old kitchen downstairs where he was trying to wash off the marks despite knowing that it's pointless.

"Trevor." Coleen called and just hearing her voice made the boy panic.

He didn't turn around to look at her. Instead. He turned his heel to make a run for it to the other door.

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