Chapter - 58 Call the Ambulance

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"A mother's love is more beautiful than any fresh flower." —Debasish Mridha.

Happy Reading 😊

•Few hours ago•

"Choti maa, now you have to take care of your health. No carelessness... Ok!"

"Ok, my mother..."

She giggled after hearing her, and said, "I am glad choti maa, nothing is serious in your report. I got scared when you suddenly got faint that day."

"Calm down, Ruh. I am alright. Nothing can happen to me until I get you married to a better man who can handle my daughter's innocence and naive nature."

"Choti maa, No... I don't want to get married ever and want to leave you," She said with feeble tone.

"Ok, let's see," She chuckled and continued, "when are you coming?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"Good, I am missing you, Ruh!"

"Me too... I love you choti maa."

"I love you too, my ruh."

Ruhi heard, natasha is coming. She said, "Choti maa, I will call you later kavya is calling me. Take care of your health."

"Ok, bye and have your dinner on time..."

"Ok, choti maa..." She giggled and hung up the phone.

Natasha came in the kitchen and asked,"Did you prepare our dinner?"

"Yes, almost..." she said while doughing the flour,"Do you want something?"

"No... Yes..."

Ruhi looked at her with frowned brows as her face was looking pale and asked,"tell me, natasha?"

"Ruhi, can you buy me a pain killer for cramps, as I am having badly cramps," she groaned while placing her hand on her stomach and passed her some money.

"Of course, Natasha. I can understand your pain as I also feel same immense pain during those days, so firstly you lay down on the bed and I am coming there in a while."

She went into the room and lay down on the bed. Ruhi quickly washed her hand, boiled water for her and quickly poured it into the hot water bottle and headed towards her.

"Natasha," she called her as patting her shoulder as she was laying down with closing her eyes.

She opened her eyes and looked at her.

"Please put this bag on your stomach, you will feel better, and I am going outside to bring your medicine."

She nodded and placed that bag on her stomach while closing her eyes.

Ruhi hurriedly went outside to bring her medicine.

"Oh God! I came out quickly but I don't know where is the chemist's shop ? I guess I should ask someone." Then, she glanced, a girl was coming towards her.

"Excuse me," Ruhi said for gaining her attention.

"Yes?" That woman looked at her as she stopped her.

"Can you please tell me, where is the chemist shop nearby here?"

"Yeah, sure!" She smiled and continued, "You go straight to the market, and then turn left, there's XXX Shop, the famous sweet shop, and next to it is the chemist's shop.

"Thank you so much," Ruhi replied.

"Welcome," she smiled and moved forward on her way.

After that, Ruhi followed the path shown by her.

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