Chapter 84: 1552 Haunted House (16)

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Lu Wen went forward and grabbed the actor's legs to pull him down from the ceiling fan. Lu Wen carefully examined him before turning around and telling the two of them, "To be precise, his heart, liver, kidneys and tongue are missing."

Xie Chi's eyes showed understanding.

Ren Ze frowned. "Isn't this exactly the same as Lu Ming's method of death? The cannibal ghost did it? Why did she kill two people overnight? I thought that the actors would have a short safety period after Lu Ming died..."

Lu Wen glanced at Xie Chi.

Xie Chi told them, "Go back and talk."

The three of them returned to their room and closed the door. Xie Chi said, "My conjecture has been confirmed. The cannibal ghost should kill a person every time she gets a tooth."

Lu Wen's eyes widened and he asked with disbelief, "Didn't they help the cannibal ghost find the teeth? Why kill them?"

Ren Ze's reaction was relatively quick. "The way you are thinking is wrong. You can think of it this way. The growth in strength needs a price, similar to a sacrifice theme. If the female ghost wants the tooth to contain ghost power then she must sacrifice one person so that the tooth is covered in the fresh blood of that person."

Lu Wen nodded. "I can understand it when you say it like that."

Xie Chi leaned against the door. "I was thinking about it. Lu Ming was killed by the cannibal ghost. What death condition did he trigger? My original guess was that the actor who turned in the tooth would be killed by the cannibal ghost but I think it is more appropriate to change the words. Every time the female ghost gets a tooth, a random person in the female ghost's camp will die. Thus, the grey named male actor is dead."

Ren Ze nodded. Then he thought about it and shook his head again. "I don't think it is appropriate to say random. She is more likely to choose someone weak but it must be within her camp. Every tooth must be stained with blood to be filled with the ghost power but she doesn't want to reduce the strength of her camp. Otherwise, why wouldn't she come to kill us who didn't join her camp?"

"It doesn't matter." Xie Chi didn't deny it and raised his head. "The question now is how many teeth the female ghost still lacks. There are already two, the one from Lu Ming and the one I handed in. At present, there are still Zhao Jinhua, You Jing, Xia Yao, Ma Heng and the two grey named actors in the female ghost's camp. That is a total of six people. How many teeth the female ghost lacks determines how many people will die. I even suspect that at the end, only You Jing and Zhao Jinhua will survive."

Ren Ze felt a bit lucky.

Xie Chi glanced at the two people. "In fact, I suspect the ghost is missing six teeth."

[Fuck??? How did he guess that?]

[I lost. It is as if he is peeping at the script.]

[Why does he know more than us even though we have the god's perspective??]

He received the two people's puzzled gazes and explained. "It is just a baseless guess. Don't be too nervous."

Xie Chi looked at Lu Wen. "On the first day, Lu Wen and I discussed the fact that the numbers 13 and 6 are ominous in the west. In fact, it isn't 6 that is ominous, it is three consecutive 6. However, I will treat it as if the number 6 is ominous. The animal camp's requirement is to collect six dishes so I guess that they have to collect 6 teeth. It isn't unfounded but it is also far-fetched."

Lu Wen shook his head. "The implication of the number 13 has been confirmed. The last supper-there was a problem with dinner. So your guess of 6 is still possible. I think the credibility is very high!"

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