Chapter 109: Living Hell (11)

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Xie Xinglan smiled. “Okay, wait for me.”

Before the floor change, Xie Chi left everything that would reveal information to Xie Xinglan. He only retained some energy.

If his energy was too much then others would take the risk to attack him. If it was too little, they would think he was weak and wouldn’t feel any fear. They would directly exploit him.

After a round of reincarnation, prisoners would subconsciously fear actors with more energy and despise actors with less energy. It was because energy represented strength.

No one knew that he and Xie Xinglan’s souls had separated. In the eyes of other actors, he was still the powerful Xie Chi. Xie Xinglan’s deterrent effect was there. As long as he didn’t do anything, he wouldn’t be exposed. One of the advantages of only three people being able to stay on one layer was the lag in the transfer of information. The audience might perceive something strange but the actors would never notice. Controlling the energy within a certain range meant the other inmates wouldn’t feel jealous and he avoided the risk of robbery.

The moment Ji Xingchen opened his eyes, what caught his attention was a bloody sky. He got up and found himself on a high cliff. The mountain was high and the color was yellow and black like an ink painting. In front of him was a huge black pine tree obscuring most of his sight. Ji Xingchen tentatively moved forward. Through the cracks in the branches, leaves and the thick blood fog, he saw the situation below and couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

The knife mountain hell.

It looked like there was a huge meteorite sinkhole below him. The sinkhole was filled with knives stuck in the ground. There were tens of thousands of them. The knives were thin, long and pointed. In fact, they were more like awls or sharp sticks. If a person fell down, their fate was obvious. The pit was filled with blood that was as high as the knives. The mountain was cold in the morning and water vapor mixed with blood drifted up as the temperature rose, forming a bloody fog with low visibility. The fog continued to float upward, forming mysterious blood clouds in the sky.

The surroundings stunk and it was an extremely red world.

Ji Xingchen had excellent eyesight. Once his eyes adapted to the environment, he could even see severed limbs and heads in the sinkhole. These white body parts slowly floated and sank in the blood, silently telling the horror that happened here. Blood slid down the sharp blades of the long knives little by little. Some long knives still had flesh and blood on them. This allowed Ji Xingchen to easily think about the origin of Count Dracula. It was said that the vampire count had a prototype. He was originally a murderous general who treated prisoners of war in an extremely cruel manner. He would let the soldiers put countless sharp sticks on the battlefield where the smoke of gunpowder had dissipated. Then he would string the prisoners of war on the sticks, penetrating them completely from the ass to the mouth.

The situation below was just as good as the horrible scene from that story.

Ji Xingchen turned his head and found that there was someone else around him. He concealed the sound of his footsteps and crouched down. Then his eyes flashed when he saw who it was.

It was Xie Chi. He had come in later than Ji Xingchen. He had just woken up and was getting up.

Ji Xingchen’s first reaction was to kill Xie Chi to grab energy. His hand had reached out halfway when he stopped. The energy in Xie Chi’s body was a lot less than himself. It wasn’t too small but it was similar to the other actors.

Ji Xingchen’s eyes were filled with mocking. After losing his items, Xie Chi was nothing. The borrowed strength wasn’t his after all. It was just a beautiful accident that he managed to kill a third-tier actor.

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