Chapter 122: Hospital (3)

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Ye Xiaoxiao’s teaching was strict and she consciously controlled her body since she was child. She had never been fat. She used to have a smooth and flat abdomen but now it was soft and slightly convex. She had clearly given birth to a child.

Ye Xiaoxiao calmed down after a few seconds.

The characteristic of ‘having a child’ belonged to the role. In other words, the role she played in the movie had given birth to a child. The app had previously emphasized the importance of the movie’s roles and now there were some clues.

She glanced back at Ye Lan with complicated eyes. Ye Lan was probably herself a few years ago. If it was a memory, she wouldn’t be surprised. However, the one in front of her was clearly… a living person. Many years ago, on the same night of the two moons, she got in a car accident. By chance, she entered the same car as her future self many years later.

Ye Xiaoxiao felt a bit horrified. She stared at the sky through the car window and saw two moons. She thought for a moment before her eyes lit up.

Could it be that the magnetic field changes caused by the two moons broke the timeline, causing the original straight timeline to collapse? The time and place where she met Ye Lan was just at the intersection of the folded timeline? If this was the case, what about the other actors? Since the world had another Ye Xiaoxiao, would there be a second He Xiao and a second Xie Chi?

Ye Xiaoxiao raised her head slightly and looked at the face that was almost identical to herself in the rearview mirror. She felt a chill in her heart. She liked similarity because it brought about a sense of security and belonging. However, she didn’t like exactly the same. Since it was the same, she had a sense of fear that she would be replaced. This fear went deep into her bones.

What should she do to Ye Lan?

Ye Xiaoxiao had no idea about how the plot would progress. She tried to ignore the uneasiness in her heart. Before coming, she never thought this movie would only be a few hours. She had shot many movies. Three or four days was short while half a month or a month was long. She had never encountered one that was a few hours. The shorter the duration, the shorter the buffer time for the actors and the more violent the attacks of the ghosts.

Ye Xiaoxiao thought about how she would soon see Xie Chi and she relaxed a lot.

[This movie is a bit weird.]

[Making our beautiful younger sister have stretch marks, the app is too cruel.]

In the hospital, Xie Chi found Ren Ze sitting down waiting for a blood test. Ren Ze heard footsteps by his side and turned his head vigilantly. He immediately relaxed when he saw Xie Chi. Then he noticed Xie Chi’s clothes and sighed. “Doctor Xie, you are quite dignified.”

Xie Chi’s external temperament was originally gentle and elegant. His face was white and handsome. Combined with the white coat, he really looked presentable.

“Don’t make trouble.” Xie Chi approached. “What is your role?”

Ren Ze had also changed clothes and it should be required by the role. Ren Ze used to dress casually. It was usually a black and white t-shirt with casual pants. Now he was wearing a floral shirt with tight pants. He looked a bit flirty. Xie Chi got close and could smell the men’s perfume on his body.

Ren Ze answered, “A patient who went to Ye’an Hospital with sudden abdominal pain late at night.”

Ren Ze clearly wasn’t happy with his role and he made an expression of disgust. “A grown man still sprays perfume.”

“It smells good.” Xie Chi fake comforted him.

Ren Ze glanced at him and joked, “Dr Xie, do you want to see your patient?”

This guy was too sanctimonious.

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