Chapter 103: Living Hell (5)

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The painting was very retro and well preserved. It seemed that the old man had looked at it and caressed it frequently. The scroll felt smooth and oily, without the burrs belonging to paper. Xie Chi spread it out and saw an ugly yet cute creature drawn on it.

The creature was extremely short with a flat and pointed mouth. It had a frog-like emerald green body, extremely long arms, a strong arch of the back and a turtle shell on the back. The top of its head was sunken under a dish that could store water. In the painting was a rain scene. The green creature hid under a lotus lead and waited for the rain to roll down the leaf into the dish on its head. It was laughing in a funny manner and the corners of its mouth were stretched out toward its ears.

The handwriting in the lower right corner of the painting was skewed and was faintly visible. It said ‘kappa’.

Xie Chi knew this creature. This creature was from the mythology of Japan. It had excellent water quality, kindness, closeness to humans and naivety. Xie Chi found out the habits of this legendary creature from his memories and started to recall what the old man said previously. The old man accidentally mentioned the kappa while talking about the random floor system of hell.

Xie Chi lowered his head thoughtfully. Something flashed in his mind. The thing the old man wanted to talk about was the birth of the kappa. Legend had it that the kappa were creatures that could decide whether they were born or not.

In the kappa’s country, when the kappa mother was about to give birth, the kappa father would invite the kappa doctor. The kappa wasn’t in a rush to give birth. It first lay against the kappa mother’s belly and asked the little kappa in the belly if they were willing to be born in such a family.

The doctor would ask if the parents were competent and if the child was satisfied. If the baby kappa didn’t want to be born in such a family and didn’t want to come to the world then the doctor would disregard the parents and induce the kappa into early labor so the baby kappa could reincarnate.

The system of the kappa’s birth was the complete opposite from hell. The layer the prisoner fell on was completely random and the layer he would reappear on after 15 days was random. The kappa could decide its origin but the prisoners couldn’t.

Xie Chi was a bit curious about the history of the painting. He looked through the notebook that the old man had hidden in his pocket.

The notebook was small. It was as long as the index finger, as wide as the thumb and was fluffy on all sides. The old man should’ve obtained paper, cut it to the size of the palm, pierced them one by one and tied the small pieces of paper together with thread.

It was very delicate and boring work but the thing that wasn’t lacking in hell was time.

Xie Chi glanced at the paper and something flashed in his eyes. This was a diary. The old man had the habit of keeping a diary every day. Due to the small area of the paper, the words on the paper were so small that Xie Chi had to work hard to recognize them.

He looked through it page by page. 10 minutes later, he found a record of the kappa painting.

“I killed my cellmate today and found this thing on him. He said he found it in the snow in a certain layer of the eight cold hells. I think it is ironic when comparing it to the random layer placement but I don’t know the use for it. I’ll just put it away first.”

Xie Chi rolled up the painting thoughtfully. This thing was found in hell and it was a bit like… an opportunity.

Xie Chi frowned. Hell was boundless and it took a lot of effort to find this thing. It shouldn’t be useless. He looked again at the date under the man’s diary entry: January 20th. The last page of the diary was March 23rd. Two months had passed and the old man had yet to figure out the usefulness of this thing.

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