_*Two (2006.12)

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The royal firm decided to approach the child born out of wedlock by distancing her mother but accepting her.

Adelaide didn't know any of these, all she knew was she had a great-grandma"Gran-Gran" who loved her corgis, a "Gramps" who always laughs, a Grandpa who always looked at her lovingly, a "Papa" and a "Mumma" who simply adores her.


Meanwhile, Her Majesty's advisors are mainly concerned about two things 1. William and Kate's Wedding, and 2. Whether or not William should do so in the first place.

There are two groups of advisors, the first group of mainly more conservative people believed that William should prove that he is still a worthy bachelor by distancing himself from Kate and Adelaide, and by not marrying Kate; while the other group who were a bit more liberal, thought that a worthy bachelor should take responsibility of his family.

Her Majesty obviously doesn't like how early Adelaide was born. She wished that the future king would marry his bride in approximately 2010 and have their first child by 2011 or 2012. Adelaide was unplanned. When she first knew Kate was pregnant, she had 3 choices, let Kate keep it and marry William as soon as possible, let Kate keep it and hide the child from the public, or abortion. Her religious values rebutted the last choice.

To marry or not to marry that is the question. Her Majesty obviously loves Kate, and so does William, therefore they were to marry. Well, this decision was made the moment HM decided to announce Kate's pregnancy because a child born outside of marriage and with parents not marrying in the future is such a humungous NO.

Regardless of what happens to them themselves, William and Kate was determined to provide Adelaide with the best life possible. They have unconditional love for Adelaide and their future children. But the love Adelaide receives from other members of the royal family entirely depends on the public's opinion. If the public opinion is positive, they would thank God for their choice to keep her alive. However, if the public opinion goes south, they would look at her with the eyes that no one-month-old baby deserves.

The Queen, Philip, Charles, and Harry, Philip and Harry especially, are the people in the palace who never did so. They always protected Adelaide as much as they possibly can.

The Queen, by allowing Adelaide to live and allowing William to marry a commoner, distanced herself away from the conservative parts of her confidants. Sigh, perhaps she was a bit irrational, perhaps when people reach a certain age, especially women, could do anything for their children, grandchildren, etc.

Charles, now 58, having watched many of his close friends have grandchildren, and knowing Camilla is herself a grandma-to-be for Lola Parker Bowles, was happy out of his wits when he knew he was going to become one himself. However, being the Prince of Wales for all of these years, his next thoughts were about the firm. He thought about every struggle his mother might have and indeed did have. He was one of her most trusted confidants. He, to our surprise, sided with Adelaide, further persuading HM to make the decision she did.

Philip and Harry connected deeply with Adelaide. They two were never really a part of the center of the royal family. They always traveled and worked alongside their wife or brother, and the attention never went to them. Philip and Harry also understand that if and when Adelaide's parents were to marry and have future children together, Adelaide's situation within the firm was going to be the same as theirs. They were close to Adelaide at first because of sympathy for not only her but themselves, yet the more they interacted with Adelaide, the more they realized what a wonderful kid she is and they loved her all the more.

Adelaide's christening took place 4 days before Christmas when she was exactly 1-month-old. It was not streamed on TV.

The family accepted Adelaide by using a picture taken of HM, Philip, Charles, William, and Adelaide at her christening on their Christmas photo for 2006.

The public mostly responded positively to Adelaide being born before her parents' marriage, as most of them thought it was fine and not uncommon these days as we enter the new millennia.


Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year

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Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

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