Twenty-Seven (2009.07)

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William wants to talk to Delly about the conversation between him and Harry that she'd overheard several months ago. But he doesn't know where to start. It is obvious that it would hurt her even more had he said it (the fact that he and Kate were not married) directly to Adelaide. He had to beat around the bushes.

First, William needed to sort out his priorities. Does he want to explain to a 3-year-old where she came from and the complex reality of why her parents are different from the other couples OR Does he only want to change his daughter's feelings towards it?

The latter, reasonably. But then, he felt powerlessness overcome him. How useless of him, a man, to not be able to protect his 3-year-old little girl from being hurt in the first place. And how, not only that, but he can't even think of a good way to comfort her himself.

He can't express his views on this matter to Kate. Because if they were to start——and William knows this ——they must end up in a conversation about marriage and all that, which would in turn end in Kate's tears and him feeling even worse than before.  

The times when it would be inappropriate to share his emotions with anyone are the times when William himself would turn to God. William knows this feeling way too well, he supposed that Adelaide felt something like that when she heard their conversation a few months earlier. The same feeling he had when his parents separated. It is one of despair, heartbreak, and prolonged suffering.

What hurts him even more is the fact that he knows, as the third-in-line, Delly is going to feel this often.

It's about time that Delly gets to know God as well.


"God?" asked Adelaide as she sat down on her Papa's lap one afternoon.

"Yes, God," William started, "look at how bright the sun is Delly, he made it. Look at how blue the sky is, he made it. He also made you can me."

Delly was confused, "if he can make the world, can I make one too?"

Obviously not.

"No, darling," he laughs, "but you can ask him questions. You can talk to him. He will talk to you as well."

"He is waaayy up in the sky, so I need to talk loud, he can't hear me!"

"No, God can hear all of us, close your eyes and pray to him, now let's try together."

O Dear Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

We give thanks for your guidance in our lives and wish that you would bestow Adelaide and me seamless connections with your holy grace in the peaks and valleys of our lives.

In the name of Jesus our lord, we pray,


"God," Delly thought, as her father murmured the prayer, "I don't think I know how to talk to you yet. Can you send me a friend that I can talk to the same way I talk to you?"

A warm gentle breeze brushed through the little girl's golden locks. That was God's little pinky promise to her. Little did she know, the person she can talk to is right around the corner.


Woohoo nice to be back again after a month! Thank you so much for reading!

I wasn't really in the mood to write because I've been caught up reading news about the royals since the queen's passing. The royal family has obviously been through a lot. I wish them my very best wishes in a time of healing. I still think about the Queen very often, she really embodied the best of British nation, Rest in Peace🤍


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