_*Six (2007.4)

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Some of Adelaide's earliest recollections of her great-grandma were her hair. it was sorter than her mommy's but definitely longer than her papa's. At first, she can only look at them when her great-grandma was holding her, but by 3-month-old, she had the guts to grab them.

Adelaide always had the subconscious notion that her gran-gran was different. This was not because Adelaide saw HM's guards or palaces, well, she did, but to her mind, they were what she and her parents also have, therefore, they are the normalities. But, she realized that what distinguished her Gran-Gran from her and her parents was the big wooden door.

Adelaide's Gran-Gran likes to work in the same room every day and has been doing that for more than half a century now. Adelaide didn't know what her Gran-Gran was working on, much less how important her Gran-Gran's job was. She just knows that her Gran-Gran can never play with her for too long. Whenever a man in a uniform comes over to whisper something in her Gran-Gran's ear, she needs to say goodbye to Adelaide.

Her Gran-Gran will go through the big wooden door of her workroom with those men and the servants will shut the door behind her. She can't really comprehend the efforts it takes to be a Queen, nor even what is a Queen, to begin with. But, what she does feel is that the moment when the giant doors are closed, her Gran-Gran is not her Gran-Gran anymore. She became something much bigger, much more important, she became an idea, the implications of which Delly cannot yet or maybe even in the near future perceive.

These are the times when her gramps will sneak behind her and carry her to another room to play with her. Philip's incentive was to comfort Delly so that she wouldn't cry for her Gran-Gran, also, he didn't want her to sense that her Gran-Gran was different from the other Gran-Grans or the world (although she indeed is). Philip thinks that it is best for the children to grow up as normal as possible and when they come to the age to realize things, they will. And of course, 5-month is not a good age to know that.

Both Philip and Elizabeth emphasized the future queen's patriotism. They believe the only way for one to love their country was to see more of it. Just as the more you know a person, the more you will learn to love them. They'd take Adelaide on road trips or horseback carriage riding in different parts of England and let her explore all the different grasses and trees and wildflowers. The couple was happy to be able to spend time with such a new living thing. It made them feel young again. 

Delly's parents treasured her very much, so much so that they seldom went outside to play with her in the fear of her being hurt. But, to the older couple, it was definitely more important that Delly develop a love for the country that she has to love someday. Better sooner than later.

Her Majesty spent her birthday this year with her family privately. Adelaide was adored by many of the members of the extended royal family whom she'd never met before.


April 10th 

Princess Ariane of the Netherlands was born.

April 21st

Queen's 81st birthday, also, Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark had a daughter, Princess Isabella of Denmark.

Paparazzi shot of HM, Prince Philip and Adelaide on April 17th, 2007, just 5 days ahead of HM's 81st birthday

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Paparazzi shot of HM, Prince Philip and Adelaide on April 17th, 2007, just 5 days ahead of HM's 81st birthday. 


What do you all think about my photoshopping skills ;) I promise I will get better. Updates will be more frequent if and when I have time. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's quite important to the grand plot.


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