_Thirty-Five (2010.06)

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Adelaide woke up with excitement as she knew today was going to be a special day at kindergarten. She was going to wear her new pink dress that her mom had bought her and her hair was going to be styled in a pretty braid. As she walked to school, she held her mom's hand tightly and couldn't wait to see her friends.

When she arrived at the classroom, she saw her best friends, Bella, Theodore, Brandon, and Brian, all waiting for her. Adelaide's eyes lit up when she saw Brian, who was wearing a cute blue shirt and shorts. She felt something flutter in her stomach and didn't know what it was.

The class started, and they sang the usual "Good morning" song. Adelaide's mind kept wandering to Brian, who sat next to her. She smiled at him, and he smiled back, making her heart skip a beat.

During recess, they all played together on the playground. Adelaide noticed that Brian was an excellent climber and decided to climb the jungle gym with him. They chatted and laughed while they were climbing, and Adelaide felt happy and carefree.

However, when they came down, she noticed that Theodore was standing off to the side, looking sad and jealous. He had always been her closest friend, but she felt like she was drifting away from him. Adelaide went over to Theodore and asked if he wanted to play with them, but he grumbled and said no, walking away.

Adelaide couldn't understand why Theodore was being like that, but she didn't dwell on it for too long. She continued to have fun with her friends, including Brian, who seemed to be having a great time too.

After school, Adelaide and Bella were walking home together, discussing their day at kindergarten. Adelaide was so excited about Brian, and she didn't know what to do about it. Bella was supportive and told her that it was okay to have a crush, but they had to be careful not to hurt anyone's feelings.

When they got to Adelaide's house, they saw Theodore sitting on the porch, looking sad. Adelaide felt bad and wanted to talk to him, but Bella reminded her that they had to go inside to start their homework.

Delly couldn't focus on her simple addition math worksheet as she is thinking about Brian. 

The blonde boy is a young child with soft, golden hair that falls in loose waves around his face. His hair is slightly tousled and looks like it has been kissed by the sun. He has big, bright blue eyes that sparkle with curiosity and wonder. His face is cherubic and rosy-cheeked, with a small button nose and a wide, toothy grin that lights up his whole face. He is tall for his age and has a lanky, athletic build, always running and jumping with boundless energy. Overall, he exudes a sense of joy and playfulness that draws others, like Delly to him like a magnet.

Delly wanted Brian to play with her, and her only. Not Bella, not Brandon, just her. 

But she doesn't know that the other blonde boy feels the same about her :)

Delly didn't know that such a feeling could be what we call a "crush", but, thinking back to that day many years later, she would think, damn, I did really like Brian, and Theo really liked me. 


Adelaide stood on the balcony with her gran-gran, the Queen, and the other members of the royal family. She watched the crowds below with wide eyes, amazed by the sea of people that had come to see them. She felt a sense of pride welling up in her chest as she realized that they were all there to show their love and support for her family.

As she looked out at the crowds, she wondered aloud, "Why are all these people here, gran-gran?"

The Queen smiled down at her great-granddaughter. "They are here to celebrate Trooping the Colour, Adelaide. It's a tradition we have in our country to show our respect for the military."

Adelaide nodded, taking in the information. "What's a tradition?"

"A tradition is something that we do every year, to remember our history and to honor those who have come before us," the Queen explained.

Adelaide thought for a moment before asking, "What's history?"

The Queen chuckled. "History is the story of the past. It's what happened before we were born, and it helps us understand how we got to where we are today."

Adelaide nodded again, taking in all the new information. She looked over at her parents, William and Kate, and saw them both smiling at her. She knew that they were proud of her for learning new things.

Suddenly, she heard her Uncle Harry's voice behind her. "Hey there, Addie. Are you enjoying the show?"

Adelaide turned to him, nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, Uncle Harry! It's so cool to see all the soldiers and the horses!"

Harry grinned at her. "It is pretty cool, isn't it? But you know what's even cooler? Serving your country."

Adelaide looked up at him curiously. "What does that mean?"

"It means doing something to help your country, like being a soldier or working in the government," Harry explained.

Adelaide thought about that for a moment before turning back to the Queen. "Gran-gran, what did you do to serve your country?"

The Queen smiled down at her. "Well, Adelaide, I have been Queen for many years now, and I have tried to be a good leader for our country. I have also done many things to help people, like visiting hospitals and charities."

Adelaide nodded, impressed. "That's really good, gran-gran. I want to help people too when I grow up."

The Queen beamed at her. "I have no doubt that you will, Adelaide. You have a kind heart and a lot of potential."

As the Trooping the Colour came to a close, Adelaide felt a sense of pride and respect for her country and her family. She knew that they all had a duty to serve and to make the world a better place, and she couldn't wait to grow up and do her part.


William's 28th birthday.

Adelaide sat at the kitchen table with her mother, Kate, waiting for her father, William, to come home. It was his birthday, and they had planned a special celebration. Adelaide had helped her mother bake a cake, and she couldn't wait to dig in.

But as the minutes ticked by and William still hadn't arrived, Adelaide began to feel impatient. She looked at the cake on the table, its icing starting to melt in the warm summer air, and she felt a pang of hunger.

"Mum, can't we just start without him?" Adelaide whined.

Kate looked at her daughter with a stern expression. "No, Adelaide. Your father has a duty to his country, and sometimes that means he has to be late for things. We can't eat his birthday cake without him."

Adelaide felt a sense of guilt wash over her. She knew that her father's duties were important, and that his absence was not a reflection of his love for her or her mother. She took a deep breath and tried to be patient.

Finally, after what felt like hours, William walked through the door. Adelaide ran to him and gave him a big hug, wishing him a happy birthday.

As they sat down to eat the cake, Adelaide felt a sense of pride and gratitude for her father's service to his country. She knew that duty was not always easy, but it was an important part of being a part of something larger than oneself.

Adelaide remembered what her gran-gran had told her about duty and service. She knew that waiting for her father was the right thing to do.

 She knew that waiting for her father was the right thing to do

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