Thirty-Nine (2012.02)

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Kate stood before the full-length mirror in her new dressing room, wearing a simple but elegant blue dress. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as she smoothed out the fabric, trying to shake off the feeling of being underdressed compared to her usual outfit as a commoner.

As she continued to look at herself, she suddenly felt a sense of responsibility wash over her. She was no longer just Kate Middleton, but rather the Duchess of Cambridge, wife of the future King of England. She couldn't just dress however she wanted or do whatever she pleased. She was now representing the Royal Family, and that meant living up to a certain standard.

Kate took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was capable of this. She had married William because she loved him, but she also understood the weight of the title she now held. She was determined to make the best of it and do her duty as a member of the Royal Family.

She sighed and turned to the dresser where a photo of Princess Diana sat, looking regal and confident in her own role as a royal. Kate couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness and pressure in comparison.

As she struggled to pick out an outfit, William walked in and noticed her distress.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I just don't know what to wear," Kate said, gesturing to her closet. "I feel like I have to live up to everyone's expectations now that I'm a duchess."

William smiled at her. "You don't have to live up to anyone's expectations but your own. Just be yourself, and that's enough."

Kate took a deep breath and smiled back at him, feeling comforted by his words. She knew that the road ahead of her as a royal wouldn't be easy, but with William by her side, she felt ready to take on the challenge.


Kate felt a sense of nervous excitement as she arrived at her first official charity visit as Duchess of Cambridge. She knew that this was one of the many important roles she would be expected to fulfill in her new position, but she also knew she had big shoes to fill.

As she walked through the doors of the charity, she was greeted warmly by the staff and volunteers. They gave her a tour of the facility, showing her the different programs and services they offered to the community. Kate listened intently, taking notes and asking questions along the way.

She was amazed by the dedication and passion of everyone involved, and felt a deep sense of admiration for the work they were doing. She knew that she had a lot to learn, but was eager to do her part in supporting the organization.

At the end of the visit, Kate spoke with the staff and volunteers, thanking them for their time and for the important work they were doing. They were impressed with her genuine interest and commitment, and welcomed her warmly into their community.

Kate felt a sense of fulfillment and purpose as she left the charity. She knew that this was just the beginning of her journey as a duchess, but she was ready to embrace it with open arms.


Kate was sitting in the living room, surrounded by stacks of papers and books. Delly, who had just returned from school, walked in and saw her mother looking stressed.

"What are you doing, Mummy?" Delly asked.

"I'm working on some things for my new role as a duchess," Kate replied.

"What's a duchess?" Delly asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Well, it's a title that I have now that I'm married to Daddy. It means that I have certain duties to fulfill, like visiting charities and representing the royal family at events," Kate explained.

Delly looked at her mother thoughtfully. "That sounds like a lot of work."

"It is, but it's important to work. I want to make a positive difference in people's lives," Kate said.

Delly thought for a moment before speaking up. "Can I help you, Mummy?"

Kate smiled at her daughter. "Of course, you can. How about we work together to write some letters to the charities we want to visit?"

Delly beamed with excitement and quickly joined Kate at the table, eager to help. As they worked together, Kate felt a sense of comfort and joy, knowing that she had the support of her daughter as she adapted to her new role as a duchess.


Kate and William were sitting in their living room at Kensington Palace, enjoying a rare moment of peace and quiet. Delly was asleep, and they had the house to themselves.

"I'm still trying to get used to all of this," Kate said, looking around the elegant room. "Being a duchess, living in a's all so overwhelming."

"I know, it's a lot to take in," William agreed. "But you're doing great, love. You're adapting to your new role so well. I'm proud of you."

Kate smiled, grateful for his words of encouragement. "It's just that sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough. Like there's always more I could be doing for our charities, for the people we're trying to help."

William took her hand. "You're doing plenty, Kate. More than enough. And you're right where you're meant to be."

Kate leaned her head against his shoulder. "I just don't want to let anyone down."

"You won't," William promised. "Just keep being yourself, and everything will fall into place."

Kate nodded, feeling reassured. She knew she was lucky to have William's unwavering support and love. Together, they could face anything.

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