Forty-Eight (2013.02)

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Delly and Louise were playing in the lush, green garden of Delly's family home. The garden was a delightful oasis of colorful flowers, tall trees, and neatly trimmed hedges. Birds sang merrily in the background, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, creating a soothing soundtrack to their playtime.

They sat on a checkered picnic blanket spread out on the soft, emerald grass. The blanket was adorned with pictures of smiling cartoon animals, and it added a touch of playful charm to the scene. Around them, the garden was bursting with life. Vibrant blossoms of red, pink, and purple filled the flowerbeds, and bees buzzed busily from one bloom to another.

A wooden swing swayed gently from the sturdy branch of an oak tree nearby. It had a simple, rope seat that Delly and Louise often took turns on when they needed a break from their games. The tree's branches offered welcome shade, providing a cool respite from the warm February sun.

In the distance, beyond the garden's edge, a low stone wall marked the boundary of the property. Beyond the wall, there was a view of rolling green fields, creating a sense of openness and tranquility.

The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and the occasional laughter of children playing in neighboring gardens could be heard. It was a picturesque setting for their cousinly bonding and the perfect backdrop for their carefree conversations about the arrival of Delly's little brother, George.

Louise sat cross-legged on the picnic blanket, her bright eyes twinkling with excitement as she shared stories about her mischievous little brother, James.

"You won't believe the things James does sometimes," Louise began with a mischievous grin, "One time, he decided that mashed potatoes were the perfect thing to decorate the walls with. So, he took a handful and made potato art all over the kitchen!"

Delly giggled, her worries about having a little brother starting to fade. "Potato art? That sounds silly!"

Louise nodded enthusiastically, "It was! And another time, he got into my crayon box and tried to eat a green crayon. Mom had to chase him around the house to get it back."

Delly laughed at the image of a tiny James trying to munch on a crayon. "He must really like green!"

Louise continued, "Oh, and you know what's funny? Sometimes, he'll start giggling for no reason at all. It's like he has his own secret jokes, and he thinks they're hilarious!"

Delly's laughter filled the garden. "That sounds like fun, Louise! Maybe having a little brother won't be so bad after all."

Louise smiled warmly, happy to see Delly's worries turning into curiosity and excitement. "See, Delly? Little brothers can be a handful, but they can also be a lot of fun. You'll have someone to share all your adventures with, and I'm sure you'll be an amazing big sister!"

Later that evening, as she lay in bed with her favorite stuffed animals by her side, Delly couldn't help but think about her family's upcoming addition. She turned to her mother, who was tucking her in, and asked with a hint of uncertainty in her voice, "Mommy, do you think you'll still have time for me when the baby comes?"

Kate, her eyes filled with love and reassurance, sat down on the edge of the bed and brushed a strand of hair away from Delly's forehead. "Of course, sweetheart," she said gently, "Babies need a lot of attention when they're very little, but that doesn't mean we'll forget about you. You'll always be our special girl, and we'll make sure to spend time with you too."

Delly nodded, still feeling a bit uncertain. "But what if the baby needs you all the time, and there's no time left for me?"

Kate smiled warmly, understanding her daughter's concerns. "Babies do need a lot of care, especially in the beginning, but as they grow, they become more independent. And remember, you'll be their big sister, and that's a very important job. You'll get to help take care of your little brother and teach him all sorts of things."

Delly's eyes lit up at the thought of being a big sister and helping to care for her baby brother. "I can teach him to play with my toys and tell him stories!"

Kate nodded, pleased to see Delly's enthusiasm. "Exactly! You'll have a special bond with your brother, just like Louise has with James. And we'll always find time for family moments together, just like we do now."

Delly smiled, her worries starting to melt away as her mother's words wrapped around her like a warm hug. She realized that even though their family was growing, the love and attention she received from her parents would always be there, just as strong as ever.

With that comforting thought, Delly drifted off to sleep, her heart filled with anticipation for the arrival of her little brother, George, and the new adventures that awaited her as a big sister.

I'm back with my nice little drabble :) I had to rest this summer in preparation for a tough school year ahead. I had time to plan this story. Stay tuned <3

Today is Sept 11th, 2023 and I'm thinking about all of the victims of the attack 22 years ago today. RIP

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