_*Fifty-Two (2013.06)

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On a radiant June morning, the sun bathed the grandeur of Buckingham Palace in a golden embrace. Delly, with her blonde curls shining like spun gold, stood with her parents, Kate and William, on the lush palace grounds. The air was filled with anticipation as the day marked the Trooping the Colour ceremony, a cherished tradition for the royal family.

Before the balcony appearance, the family enjoyed a quiet, intimate moment on the palace terrace. Delly's great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, stood nearby, her regal presence a comforting presence to the young girl. Delly's fingers gently traced the intricate patterns of her mother Kate's beautiful dress as she waited for the ceremony to begin.

As Delly's small hand gently rested on her mother Kate's pregnant belly, she felt a profound connection to the life growing within. The sun's warm rays caressed her skin, and a gentle breeze whispered secrets of the day. It was a moment of stillness and serenity amidst the anticipation of the grand event.Then, as if the universe itself conspired to create this magical instant, Delly felt it—a soft, subtle movement beneath her fingertips. It was a sensation like no other, a fluttering, a gentle nudge, a tiny kick. George, her little brother, was making his presence known in the most tender and intimate way possible.Delly's eyes widened with wonder, and a smile of pure joy graced her lips. The world around her seemed to fade away as she concentrated on that delicate sensation. It was as if her brother, even before his birth, wanted to assure her of his existence, of the bond they would share.The kick, though tiny, was a powerful message—a reminder that love and life flowed within her mother's womb. It was a moment of transcendence, a bridge between Delly and her unborn brother, a promise of the beautiful journey they would embark upon together as siblings.In that quiet moment, Delly's heart swelled with emotions too profound for words. She felt an overwhelming rush of love, not just for her parents but also for the new addition to their family. Delly began to understand that her role as a big sister was not just a title; it was a profound connection that would shape her life in ways she couldn't yet fathom.

Then, as if in response to the gentle presence of her sister-to-be, Delly felt it—an unmistakable fluttering within Kate's belly. A tiny, delicate kick, the first movement of her little brother, George. Delly's eyes widened with wonder, and a smile of pure joy spread across her face.

"Mommy, did you feel that?" Delly exclaimed, her voice filled with amazement.

Kate looked down at her daughter with a tender smile, her hand gently covering Delly's. "Yes, sweetheart, I did. That was your little brother saying hello to you."

In that moment, Delly's heart swelled with emotions she couldn't quite put into words. She began to understand the significance of her role as a big sister. Her love for the new addition to their family grew, and she felt a newfound sense of connection to the life growing inside her mother's belly.


As Delly watched the Trooping the Colour ceremony unfold before her, a profound realization settled within her young heart. The grandeur of the event, the unity of her family, and her mother's growing belly all became symbolic in her eyes, representing not just her family's strength but also the essence of their role in the country.Baby George, her yet-to-be-born brother, was like a beacon of hope and continuity, just as the ceremony celebrated the monarchy's enduring legacy. Delly understood that her family's public role, like the Trooping the Colour event itself, held a special place in the hearts of the people of the United Kingdom.In her mind, Delly began to draw parallels between her family and their country. Just as the ceremony showcased the pageantry and tradition of the monarchy, her family represented the steadfastness and continuity of the royal institution. The love and support she felt from her parents, her great-grandparents, and her soon-to-arrive brother were the cornerstones of their family, much like the strong sense of unity that bound the United Kingdom together.As she stood there, watching the palace guards in their vibrant red uniforms and her family on the balcony, Delly couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. Her position as a big sister, like the country's role in the world, was significant and meaningful. She realized that her family's journey was interwoven with the history of their nation, and their love and unity were a source of strength and inspiration to many.With each passing moment of the Trooping the Colour ceremony, Delly's appreciation for her family's role and her own as a big sister deepened. She looked forward to the day when she could introduce her baby brother, George, to the world with the same pride and love that filled her heart on this radiant June morning.

As the national anthem played and the crowd cheered, Delly couldn't help but feel a deep sense of belonging and excitement for the future. The royal family stood together, a symbol of unity and tradition, and Delly knew that she had an essential role to play in the tapestry of their family's story. With each passing moment, she embraced her new role as a big sister, looking forward to the day when she could welcome her baby brother, George, into the world with open arms and a heart full of love.



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Trooping the color 2013 💕

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