_Thirteen (2008.2)

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Delly's second February was spent with her other grandparents, arguably the more important couple, Charles and Camilla.

Charles adores his granddaughter and tries to give her the things he wasn't able to give to her father William, for example, fatherly love and company. He thinks that being a good grandpa would somehow mend his mistakes. It didn't, but Adelaide indeed did have a loving grandpa in the process.

Charles likes nature, a lot. This is why he usually takes Delly out in the wild and bird-watching.

One day, after the two had dinner and the heat had subsided. The sun went down on the hillside, leaving only a splendid red glow in the sky.

Charles carried Delly to a walk along a gravel road and soon came to the river. Under a big tree by the river, they found a few boats.

Charles helped Delly hop in, a friend untied the rope, and the boat moved slowly towards the center of the water.

The river is very wide, and there is not a single wave on the plain water. The boat moved calmly on it. The rowing paddles in the water sounded like a piece of music.

In one place, the river narrowed. Clusters of leaves reach out to the water. The leaves are so lovely green. It was a lot of lush banyan trees, and it was impossible to see where the trunk was.

Delly cried out, "Grandpa, these trees! SOOOO BIGG"

Her grandpa corrected her, "Delly, it's one tree with a lot of branches."

The boat is getting closer to the banyan tree and Delly had a chance to see it for what it really was. It was a huge tree with countless branches. The branches took root again, and many roots went straight down to the ground and protruded into the soil. Some of the branches hang down to the water, and from a distance, it looks like a big tree lying on the water.

The banyan tree is in its lush period, and showing us its full vitality. There are so many green leaves, one cluster on top of another, without leaving a gap. 

The emerald green color shone brightly in Delly's eyes. She can almost see the countless fairies on every leaf, or so she thought they were.

The boat moored under the tree for a moment. The shore was wet and so the pair did not go off the boat. 

Delly's grandpa claimed that it was a "paradise for birds". 

When Charles told Delly to listen closely, she seem to hear the sound of several birds flapping their wings, but when she pay attention to finding them, she can't see a single bird's shadow. There are only countless roots standing on the ground, like many wooden pillars.

There isn't a single bird in "Bird's Paradise".

"Granpa, no bird!"

Delly was quite disappointed. But Charles told her that "Mother Nature Never Obeys anyone", and promised to come again tomorrow.

The next day the pair took off early in the morning. The sun shone on the water, and in the treetops, everything seemed brighter. They moored the boat under the tree for a while.

At first, the surroundings were silent. Then suddenly a bird chirped. Charles clapped his hands and Delly saw a big bird take flight. Then they saw a second one, a third one. 

As Delly continued to clap ecstatically, the whole tree became lively, with bird sounds and bird shadows everywhere. Big, small, dotted, black, some standing on the branches and screaming, some flying, and some flapping their wings.

Delly stopped clapping after a while and watched carefully, her eyes were overwhelmed. If she paid attention to this bird, then she will miss out on seeing the other bird. If she paid attention to that one, another bird flew up again.

One bird was startled by Delly's applause, and flew into the foliage again, standing on a small twig and shouting excitedly.

Many days after that day, Delly will make a great effort to make her grandpa take her here to see the birdies. She now understands her Grandpa's respect for Mother Nature. 

On the days when Charles is too tired to take Delly out, Camilla and Catherine's job was to occupy Delly's mind for as fun a thing and for as long a time as possible so she doesn't become upset.

Camilla thought about teaching Delly some piano notes that she can play with one finger. Delly's first task was to learn the notes CDEFGAB and where they are on the keyboard. C for Cat, D for Dog, E for Elephant, F for the front door, G for Grandma, A for apple pie, and B for the back door. Delly will ask her grandma if she has a cat or a dog or an elephant. Camilla says she has a dog but no cat and definitely no elephant. Delly asks if she has an apple pie, Camilla says she doesn't but she'll bake her one. That's usually how Delly's piano lessons end, baking with her grandma. After about a week or two, Delly can master the notes pretty well and learned to play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (with her right index finger). 

*Note just keep in mind the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for a while because it will be pretty important later on in her life (much later, I mean when she is 15, now she's barely 2 :)


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