_Eight (2007.6)

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Adelaide has been on this earth for exactly half a year now. She can now walk on her own for about ten meters she is also a very quiet child compared to the others. This made her parents trust that they can bring her to meet some of the other, "none-important" members of her father's family and not make a big scene.

These include Prince Andrew and his family, Princess Anne and her family, as well as Prince Edward and his. They all liked Adelaide, at least on the surface they did.

But, Adelaide only built a strong bond with some of them, namely, Lady Louise and Zara Phillips. Louise was about the same age as Delly, and despite her being technically her aunt, they played and bonded together just as any child did. Zara, on the other hand, was a more motherly figure as supposed to a friend, just as how Harry is like a second father to her, Zara is like a second mother.

Several days before Trooping of the Color, the Wessexes announced that they are expecting a baby. The family, especially Adelaide and Louise were excited. They can finally have another person to play with, they hope that Louise will get a little sister.

While everybody seems to be happy, the firm has been engaging in a difficult decision of whether to include Adelaide in the Trooping of the Color ceremony. She is not technically a part of the family yet. Some said that this would generate negative press, while others thought cute children could only raise the event's popularity. The latter group also wanted to let Kate be there as well, she is engaged to the prince, and the three could make the institution more like a family. Negotiation and compromise took place and came to the agreement that Adelaide could appear for PR reasons while it was unnecessary for Kate to be there with them. Thus the unwritten rule of how the engaged royal family member-to-bes cannot appear on the balcony.

Standing, well, more like being held by her father, at the balcony of Buckingham Palace, watching the flag with blue red and white strips fly in people's hands, Adelaide felt what it meant by a country. Her father told her that those flags represented her country, today Adelaide has a better, but still vague idea of what is her country. Her country was not simply a flag, it was the people who held the flag and waved it. It was the people who made up the country that made it so great. 


BBC London 

Soldiers in scarlet tunics and bearskin hats marched in formation Saturday – a showcase of Britain's best pomp and pageantry – to celebrate the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.

She actually turned 81 on April 21. But one of the many perks of wearing the crown is a second, official birthday in June, marked with the annual Trooping the Color parade.

The British monarch wore a bright green coat and hat to inspect the troops gathered in her honor in central London. Dignitaries, including former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair, and Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, also attended the annual event. The new addition of the family, Adelaide Mountbatten-Windsor, who was born on 21st November 2006 stole the eyes of many.

The parade is a full-on display of British pageantry, with more than 1,100 soldiers in full regalia marching down the Mall – the wide, leafy boulevard that runs from Buckingham Palace toward Trafalgar Square.

The parade is a full-on display of British pageantry, with more than 1,100 soldiers in full regalia marching down the Mall – the wide, leafy boulevard that runs from Buckingham Palace toward Trafalgar Square

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ps. rate my photoshopping skills :), I'll improve on where yall think is unreal ♥ 

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