_*Four (2007.2)

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Adelaide's parents wanted her to be liked by all of the senior members of the royal family, namely, Charles, Philip, and HM Whether their incentive was to benefit themselves or to benefit Adelaide will remain unknown, but Charles and Camilla loved Adelaide.

Well, we say "love" to be high-sounding, but really, there is some selfishness here. As someone who'd been through a scandal as big as the Diana one, Charles knows the British Royals cannot afford another one such as it. He brought up William to be a good man in the hopes that he would not have another scandal such as that of his parents, however, boom, here goes Adelaide. Camilla is Charles's scandal, while Adelaide became William's. To resolve his controversial affair, Charles chooses to marry Camilla, to resolve William's scandal, Adelaide, Charles decided to teach this four-month-old how to behave. "If her birth causes this much controversy," he thought, "the rest of her life needs to be flawless."

This was Charles's damage control, this was also the institution's.

A/N Here we basically foreshadow Adelaide's entire life of being forced to become perfection to mend her innate imperfections (which is something that she cannot alter).


Compared to his parents, Charles was more invested in the outdoors and the countryside. He wanted Adelaide to take over the land that he owns and loves someday. Charles likes to bring his granddaughter to the fields, but he very soon realized that she is too young to walk and can only roll in the grasses. It was definitely something less fun, so Charles wanted to teach Adelaide to walk.

Charles kneels in front of the baby and stretches out his hands to hold her. Adelaide didn't budge He also stood behind the child, holding her armpits with both hands. Adelaide didn't budge. These are the times when Charles would reconsider his attitude towards his granddaughter. Was he teaching her things that are ahead of her time a sign that he love her, or did he just want to reassure himself, in whatever way, that keeping Adelaide was a net benefit? These are the times when he would carry Adelaide inside and think to himself (sometimes murmur out loud), "Delly, I'm sorry."

Camilla, on the other hand, didn't care about Adelaide as much as Charles did. Well, it's understandable, very understandable, we cannot expect someone who's not an angel to love a child with whom she has no blood relations. Camilla is no angel, nobody is. However, this doesn't mean that she didn't help with Adelaide's early life.

Once Camilla was playing the piano, and Charles carried Adelaide into the room, Adelaide was enchanted by the music. She was pulling her grandpa's collar, getting his attention, and then pointing to her grandma's direction, murmuring, "gogo! I gogo! gogo! I wan a gogo! googoo!"

Charles compromised and carried her to the piano while Camilla stopped playing. Camilla carries Adelaide and raised her high enough for her two tiny feet to touch the keyboard. Delly then stomps on the E key with her right foot, on the D sharp with her left, repeated it two times, and then falls down on the piano, with her left palm slamming onto B and her right slapping between C and D. Perfectly and perfectly unknowingly playing the melody of Fur Elise. And then rolling on the keyboard, creating random noises. (but we don't talk about that ;)


His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton Are Engaged to be Married

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His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton Are Engaged to be Married

The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton. The wedding will take place in the Winter of 2007, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course. Prince William and Miss Middleton became engaged in January during a private holiday in Scotland. Prince William has informed The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince William has also sought the permission of Miss Middleton's father. Following the marriage, the couple will live in north Wales with their daughter Adelaide where Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force. Upon the Marriage, Adelaide will become Her Royal Highness Princess Adelaide. 

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