_*Forty-Four (2011.06)

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I would like to have a disclaimer, the picture edits at the end of this chapter belongs to @jaltamirano0812 , who is an amazing writer as well. I have obtained her permission to use these images in my story. She wrote stories about a similar character named Eleanor, go check her books out as well!!

One day in early June, Delly's parents, William and Kate, sat her down in the living room to share some exciting news.

"Adelaide, we have some very special plans for this summer," William said, a twinkle in his eye.

Kate chimed in, "We are going to visit Canada!"

Delly's eyes widened with excitement. "Really?" she exclaimed. "Why are we going to Canada?"

William smiled. "As members of the royal family, it's important for us to represent our country and its people around the world. And this summer, Canada has invited us to visit and get to know its people and culture."

Delly nodded thoughtfully, taking in this information. "So, we get to go on a trip and learn about a new place at the same time?" she asked.

"Yes, exactly," Kate said with a smile. "And we get to do it together as a family."

Delly beamed with joy, feeling grateful for the opportunity to share this experience with her parents. She couldn't wait to see what Canada had in store for them.


"Wow! That's a big plane," Delly said as she clung to her parents' hands.

"Yes, it is," Kate replied, smiling down at her daughter. "We'll be flying on it to Canada."

As Adelaide and her family prepared to board the plane to Canada, she noticed that her father, Prince William, was not with them. Confused, she asked her mother where he was.

"He's on a different plane, sweetie," Catherine explained. "As heirs to the throne, we're not allowed to travel together for safety reasons."

Adelaide frowned, feeling disappointed that she wouldn't be sitting next to her dad on the long flight. But then, to her surprise, William appeared and approached them.

"Hey, Delly, I got special permission to join you guys on this flight," he said with a grin.

Adelaide's face lit up with joy and she gave her dad a big hug.

"Thank you, Daddy!" she exclaimed.

She peered out the window as the plane began to take off. She watched as the scenery of London slowly disappeared from view, and she said goodbye to her homeland from high up in the sky.

As they reached cruising altitude, Delly felt a sense of wonder and excitement at the new adventure that lay ahead of her.


As the royal family's plane touched down on Canadian soil, Delly could see a throng of people gathered outside, waving flags and holding up signs. The sound of cheers and applause filtered through the windows, and Delly's excitement began to mount. As the family emerged from the plane, Delly could feel the warmth of the sun on her face and the energy of the crowd surrounding her.

As they made their way down the steps, cameras flashed and people shouted greetings. Delly smiled and waved, feeling like a true princess. She held her parents' hands tightly, feeling safe and secure as they navigated their way through the excited crowd. 

As Delly stepped off the plane with her parents, she felt a mix of nerves and excitement. She had heard about the Canadian Prime Minister and was eager to meet him. As they walked towards him, Delly remembered the etiquette lessons she had learned from Ms. Ulmer. She stood up straight, smoothed out her dress, and said hellow as her parents introduced her to the Prime Minister.

"Hello there, Princess Adelaide," Stephen Harper said with a smile. "It's an honor to meet you."

Delly felt her cheeks turn pink with embarrassment, but she managed to smile and respond politely. "Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. It's a pleasure to meet you too."

As they spoke, Delly couldn't help but notice the Canadian flag waving in the background and the large crowd of people gathered to welcome them. She felt a sense of pride and excitement to be a part of such an important event.


After their arrival in Canada, Delly and her parents spent several days learning about Canadian culture and history while touring various cities. They visited major landmarks like the Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, and the Calgary Stampede in Alberta.

During their visits, Delly was exposed to a wide range of cultural experiences, including Indigenous performances and traditional dances. She also had the opportunity to meet with members of the Canadian Armed Forces and other community organizations.

Throughout their tour, Delly's parents made a point to teach her about the importance of cultural awareness and diplomacy. They stressed the value of learning about different cultures and traditions, and the need to always be respectful and courteous when interacting with people from different backgrounds.

For Delly, the trip was an eye-opening experience that broadened her understanding of the world and gave her a new appreciation for the diversity of cultures and traditions. She returned home with a newfound sense of curiosity and an eagerness to learn more about the world beyond her own borders.


One day during their visit to Canada, Delly and her family visited a national park with breathtaking natural beauty. They went on a hike and Delly was mesmerized by the stunning landscapes, the lush greenery, and the sound of the waterfalls. As she walked, she felt a deep connection to the land, and the beauty of the natural world around her overwhelmed her senses.

She stopped for a moment to take in the beauty and closed her eyes, feeling the gentle breeze on her face and the soft grass beneath her feet. Delly felt a sense of peace and tranquility that she had never experienced before, and she realized that she had never felt this close to nature in her life.

Delly opened her eyes and saw her parents smiling at her. They had noticed her deep sense of connection and were happy to see her enjoying Canada's natural beauty. From that moment on, Delly felt a special bond with Canada and knew that she would always cherish the memories of her time there.

Delly couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the land. She realized that Canada was a place where she could feel truly free and at peace.

The next time Delly comes to Canada, she will be staying here for three years.


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